The More You Like Your Health Plan, the Less Likely You Will be Able to Keep It

Two-thirds of employers would raise deductibles, change insurers or scale back coverage to avoid the so-called Cadillac tax on high-cost benefits proposed in the Senate Democrats’ health care bill, a survey to be released Thursday by consulting firm Mercer says… The excise tax — which is placed on insurers, but is expected to be passed along to employers — could hit up to 19 percent of medical packages offered by employers in 2013, the first year it goes into effect.

Full story by Julie Appleby in Kaiser Health News.

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  1. Stephen C. says:

    It’s called bait and switch.

  2. Roseanne says:

    And, we just found out that if you are over 65 you are not eligible to receive the H1N1 vacine!

  3. Roseanne says:

    I have never heard mentioned what they consider a “Cadilac” insurance policy and I would like to know what they consider a “Cadilac” insurance. We have BCBS and we pay extra for vision and dental. Is that what they are talking about?

  4. Larry C. says:

    Stephen, it’s also called one more broken promise.

  5. Bart Ingles says:

    It’s getting hard to tell which consequences are unintended and which are intentional.

    It looks to me as though anyone who is 50+ and works for a small business will likely be subject to the Cadillac tax.

  6. […] The More You Like Your Health Plan, the Less Likely You Will be Able to Keep It […]