Half the Employers Offer Consumer Directed Health Care Plan

A Watson Wyatt report finds that:

Just more than half (51 percent) of companies now offer workers a CDHP, up from 47 percent in 2008. Another 8 percent are expected to adopt a CDHP by 2010. CDHPs are helping employers control costs – companies with at least half of their workers enrolled in a CDHP have a two-year cost trend (4.6 percent) that is 25 percent lower than non-CDHP sponsors (6.1 percent).

The cost of coverage for CDHPs is considerably lower than for either PPO/POSs or HMOs for 2009. Employee-only coverage for CDHPs is $852 lower than for other plan types. For family coverage, CDHP rates are $2,146 below the median PPO/POS plan rates and $2,350 lower than the average HMO plan costs.

3 thoughts on “Half the Employers Offer Consumer Directed Health Care Plan”

  1. With more people moving towards HSAs and CDHPs companies need to help their employees figure out how to get the most value for a reasonable price on the healthcare they need. Please check out our new site http://www.healthcarebluebook.com and let us know what you think.

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