Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. H. James Prince says:

    “White House Tours Closed and Harry Reid Causes Airport Delays and Closures”

    Weren’t they instructed to make the Sequester as painful as possible? It’s great to know that the Democrats have America’s best interests at heart.

  2. Gabriel Odom says:

    Halfway houses don’t work because the inmates have no incentive to better themselves. A halfway house is nothing more than a more comfortable prison.

  3. Benedict Popplewell says:

    Close parks. Cancel Flights. Keep billions in bank subsidies. Keep billions in oil subsidies. Keep billions in agriculture subsidies. Overpay by billions of dollars. Leave billions of dollars in real estate empty. Something wrong with this picture?

  4. Cornelius Sutton says:

    “Medicare pays $5.1 billion for Poor Quality Skilled Nursing Facility Care”

    Is some care better than no care? Definitely not. I’m surprised a home got away with not giving a lady her antypsychotic medication. It is unfortunate.

  5. Patel says:

    @ The only 5.5% email their doctor

    This culture needs to change. This is how we communicate on a daily basis, and so, our communication with doctors must keep pace with current trends that make life more efficient for all of us.

  6. Patel says:

    @ The Medicare paying nursing homes that doesn’t meet the standard

    There should be a monitoring body that inspects all these different nursing homes. I am sadden to think the terrible conditions some of the patients are under.

  7. Harley says:

    Halfway houses don’t work.

    Wow. This Pennsylvania study should be titled “Blunders in the Wonderful World of Concomitance and Recidivism Rates.”

    I would agree that halfway houses don’t work, trying to prove anything is a different story.

  8. Kyle says:

    That’s a common mistake Harley. False criteria of causality get the best of even Yankee research designers.

    But hey if they want to cut halfway houses — I’m all for it.

  9. Sarah V. says:

    Only 5.5% of patients email their doctors.

    This is quite a surprise. I would think that this percentage would be a lot higher, considering that it could certainly reduce costs for patients and also make it eaiser for physicians to manage their time in an eficient manner. I understand how some people may feel more comfortable having their physicians in front of them when treating them. However, using other ways of communication with one another in certain situations may make the entire process more efficient for everyone involved.

  10. Edward Swetsen says:

    Of course! Close your doors to those low-income people who voted for you Obama and open your doors only to the rich ones who come in offering big checks for private visits. What a hypocrite!

  11. Buster says:

    Only 5.5% of patients email their doctors.

    I expected to read the article and find… “Only 5.5% of patients email their doctors; but only 1% of doctors actually read patients’ emails; and 0% of doctors bother to respond to email inquiries.”