Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Am I surprised by the stat on economic ignorance in Congress? Not a bit.

  2. Eric says:

    Which is worse, not taking economics, or getting a D in economics?

  3. Buster says:

    Which is worse, not taking economics, or getting a D in economics?

    Eric raises an important point. I’m not sure I know the answer. If you haven’t taken economics, you potentially have the capacity to acquire the knowledge at a later date. If you got a D in economics, you may lack the capacity to ever understand the discipline.

  4. Ken says:

    Eric, I don’t know which is worse. I’m fairly certain that Congress is economically illiterate, however.

  5. Virginia says:

    9,000 pages of reading! That’s a nice little bit of homework for the weekend. Who are the people who write this stuff, and how do they stay awake long enough to write such dry literature?