Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    Many ER docs are afraid they might get sued if misdiagnose an emergency patients and it comes to light they did not order expensive tests. But there’s more to it than that. Ordering tests saves time and makes their job diagnosing a problem easier. That is arguable one of the reasons en ER is the least efficient place to provide primary care for indigent patients.

  2. Greg says:

    I’ve always believed we need robots. Humans weren’t built for space travel.

  3. Brian Williams. says:

    The tragedy of Britain’s NHS continues…

  4. Bruce says:

    Sorry to see the NHS is still killing people.

  5. Arleeth says:

    To those who say “If I want to cohose not to get health insurance why cant I”- Consider 2 points. A. 60% of bankruptcies occur due to unforeseen medical bills. It only takes one emergency situation that requires surgery to put you in a position where you could lose your home, your job, your car-everything you worked for! B. The cost of providing emgergency room care to treat manageable conditions for responsible but uninsured Americans is staggering. Tax payers foot the bill as costs are passed on to the consumer. Look at your hospital bill and tell my why 1 tylenol costs $12.00! I agree that forcing someone to have insurance feels a bit like “your grandma forcing you to swallow cod liver oil”, but I’d rather see people forced into being insured than not. Maybe they will go to the doctor to manage their diabetes instead of ending up in the emergency room in diabetic crisis! We can pay now or later-but we’re gonna pay! The question is which method stands to provide the most benefit?

  6. Jenisso says:

    I must admit that this is one great ihisgnt. It surely gives a company the opportunity to get in on the ground floor and really take part in creating something special and tailored to their needs.

  7. IdharcyngAri says:

    CoreyTowson,It was really bush who csoled down and limited Medicare Obama just recently opened it all back up again. Hence seeing that lady on the news that said Oh my god you mean I don’t have to work any longer? Public tend to want to vote in act of kindness of something when they own have a supply of in it. It is called a conflict of appeal and it is not theme to just any one have fun!You know how you fix that? you FIRE THEM!You are misinformed. Do you even live in the US?