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  1. Thomas says:

    “When the highest levels of sedentary behavior were compared to the lowest, the researchers found a statistically significantly higher risk for three types of cancer—colon, endometrial, and lung.”

    Is sitting causing the cancer? Or are people who tend to be the most sedentary making poor lifestyle choices that can lead to cancer?

  2. Walter Q. says:

    “So-called “Trophy Wives” are mostly a myth.”

    It probably occurs most often in marriages that occur after a man has accumulated vast amounts of wealth.

    • Devon Herrick says:

      I believe it was Ann Landers (or maybe her sister Dear Abby) who said… “people who marry for money end up earning every penny!”

    • Bubba says:

      I asked my wife if she liked having a “trophy husband!”

      She responded “Heck No! You’re no prize!”

  3. Rachel says:

    Facial wrinkles and zip codes may be related.”

    So I’m supposed to have over 7,000 wrinkles by the time I turn 50 years old?!

  4. Jay says:

    “Facial wrinkles and zip codes may be related.”

    I can definitely see some correlation when you compare zip codes from Los Angeles and zip codes from a rural town in West Virginia.

  5. David Haynes says:

    As an unmarried male, I am particularly intrigues by the Trophy Wife article. While I agree with the article’s conclusion that similarity is what drives attraction, I can clearly see how the trophy wife idea persists. Men seems to (as they age) prefer younger women while women, I believe, are always attracted to more mature males (at least as long as the girls are mature too).

    I think the last sent sentence- which was really just thrown in there- is extremely important. Women do have an incentive to leverage their looks in order to become more financially mobile!

    • Buster says:

      My observation is that women who are both average-income and well-off tend to want a man who has some financial independence. Poor women want to boost their financial status; rich women want a peer. To use the Seinfeld term, membos are not as popular among women as bimbos are among men.

  6. James M. says:

    “Most millennial moms who skip college also skip marriage”

    Interesting study. May give proof that parenthood is a prominent barrier to education.

    • Studebaker says:

      I think the point of the article was that childbearing outside of marriage is more common among women with little education than among women with a bachelor’s degree. This trend exacerbates the cycle of poverty — where the poor tend to stay poor and have children who grow up to be poor adults.