Should You Worry About Identity Theft on

GSA-software-bug-identity-theft_380x285The document, obtained by The Associated Press, shows that administration officials at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services were concerned that a lack of testing posed a potentially “high” security risk for the website serving 36 states. It was granted a temporary security certificate so it could operate…

You accepted a risk on behalf of every user…that put their personal financial information at risk,” Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., told Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius during questioning before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. “Amazon would never do this. ProFlowers would never do this. Kayak would never do this. This is completely an unacceptable level of security.”

Source: Washington Post.

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  1. PJ says:

    So thanks to Obamacare, your health AND your identity are at risk!

  2. Perry says:

    This was addressed on NPR this morning. A consultant for IT suggested that the HHS and CMS were used to handling confidential information and this should not be a problem.
    However, given the problems with the rollout and all of the other identity theft occurring, I would be very very skeptical. All someone needs is your SS# and birthdate.

  3. Lucas says:

    “Some states directed insurers to issue cancellations. Large employer plans covering most workers and their families are unlikely to be affected.”

    Congress blames the program for the cancellations, yet it was their own state governments at work. It seems the hearings exposed many things the were in question.

  4. Connor says:

    There is not such thing as “security” any more

    • Wayne says:

      Privacy may be a word of better fit. Security is a need by all.

      • Connor says:

        Security as it is defined, no. Everything the government does is in the name of “security” yet all of our rights are stripped in the process. According to locke, our last property is ourselves, which we hold on to. By taking that away, we no longer are able to personally establish self security.

  5. Crawford says:

    “Sebelius is promising to have the problems fixed by Nov. 30, even as Republicans opposed to Obama’s health care law are calling in chorus for her resignation.” (AP)

    Does anyone think she will resign?

    • Connor says:

      She cannot. The new appointment would have a 0% chance of being voted in unless its a republican

  6. Edward says:

    We have not seen any major (or minor) security issues yet. In fairness, enrollment has been much smoother lately ( on our site.

    However, most neutral (politically that is) do feel that the security issue of the Exchange is not going to go away until some structural changes are made. We’ll soon see what type of work that entails.