Will the Exchanges be Fertile Ground for Identity Theft?

The delays mean that the ruling by CMS’s chief information officer certifying the ObamaCare IT system as secure will be pushed back from September 4 to September 30, a day before enrollment under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the law that established ObamaCare, is supposed to start…

“They’ve removed their margin for error,” said Deven McGraw, director of the health privacy project at the non-profit Center for Democracy & Technology. “There is huge pressure to get (the exchanges) up and running on time, but if there is a security incident they are done. It would be a complete disaster from a PR viewpoint.”

The most likely serious security breach would be identity theft, in which a hacker steals the social security numbers and other information people provide when signing up for insurance. (Reuters)

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  1. Buster says:

    The exchanges will also be a place where average-income individuals pretend to be dirt-poor to get a subsidy worth thousands more.

  2. Nolan says:

    It is incredible to me that they are trying to implement this policy with that much probability for fraud.

  3. Greg says:

    “There is huge pressure to get (the exchanges) up and running on time, but if there is a security incident they are done. It would be a complete disaster from a PR viewpoint.”


  4. Bolton says:

    “a day before enrollment under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the law that established ObamaCare, is supposed to start”

    And what happens of they aren’t certified as secure?

  5. Jared says:

    “The most likely serious security breach would be identity theft, in which a hacker steals the social security numbers and other information people provide when signing up for insurance.”

    The same thing happens with illegal immigrants all of the time.

    • Blaine says:

      Yeah, I was reading about that the other day. They pay someone to get them the social security number of someone who is already deceased, and they use their social security #

  6. Saul says:

    There is no doubt in my mind that identity theft will increase with the expansion of the AFA.

  7. Linda Gorman says:

    Hackers? What about the bona fides of the navigators?