The Kaiser Family Foundation has released a survey of a statistically significant sample of people who buy their own insurance. The headline reported by the media was that 57 percent of enrollees in ObamaCare exchange plans were previously uninsured. To me, that seems underwhelming. But more on that later. We all know that ObamaCare is unpopular. However, it is also unpopular amongst its beneficiaries — the previously uninsured who have bought (highly subsidized) health insurance in ObamaCare exchanges. Only 53 percent of these people have a favorable opinion of ObamaCare (p. 22). If that doesn’t make the law politically vulnerable, I don’t know what does.
As to the number of uninsured post-ObamaCare: This estimate is getting more mysterious. When looked at from another angle, the survey suggests that ObamaCare has had no real effect on the number of uninsured getting non-group (individual) private insurance. Elsewhere, the Kaiser Family Foundation informs us that the number of people with private, non-employer-based, health insurance in 2012 was 15.8 million. We also understand that the most optimistic estimate of the number of people in ObamaCare exchange plans is 8.1 million. Kaiser Family Foundation’s new survey tells us that between 48 percent and 51 percent of the people in the non-group market are in ObamaCare exchanges. That is, the total market is estimated to be between 15.9 million and 16.9 million. So, maybe one million people, net, have received non-group coverage due to ObamaCare.
On the other hand, the survey reports that 71 percent of the previously uninsured people who enrolled in an exchange plan had been uninsured for two years or more. 71 percent of 57 percent of 8.1 million is 3.3 million. This clearly does not reconcile with the comparison of the number of people in the non-group market in 2012 and in 2014 — unless two million or so people who used to have non-group insurance have lost it and have either received group coverage, lost coverage, or become dependent on Medicaid.
Someday this dust will settle. Wherever it settles, the political future of ObamaCare looks shaky.
That is a typical characteristic of a welfare state. The bureaucrats who administer it assume they are running it for the good of humanity — whether humanity likes it or not. In a couple decades, people will get so used to having their decisions made for them that nobody would ever question it.
Pretty soon we are just going to be another brick in the wall, a cog in the machine, in the eyes of the government.
We know what’s good for you and you’re going to take it and like it doggonit!
I am curious about the intention of setting up the “exchange”. They just gather all plans together forming a superficial market. To be honesty, this “supermarket” does not have a lot choices..
“Only 53 Percent of Previously Uninsured ObamaCare Enrollees Have a Favorable Opinion of ObamaCare”
Frankly, I am surprised that the percentage is that high.
Unfortunately I think you’re right Buster. It’s usually a steady decent into socialism that can desensitize the public. Yet, even its “beneficiaries” are beginning to catch on to the scam. This law may provide plenty of taxpayer-funded subsidies that redistribute wealth, people are now beginning to wake up the fact that this new socialistic law is bad for the economy and is also bad for healthcare.
And unreasonable for the country. How high are we expected to raise the debt up to? Imagine a health care spending bubble. Between health care and student loans, how is the younger generation expected to stimulate any growth?
“If that doesn’t make the law politically vulnerable, I don’t know what does.”
Well unfortunately that still is slightly the majority. That’s all ObamaCare needs is slightly the majority. Hopefully better informed individuals will spur the reality of ObamaCare, and they will understand the benefits of consumer-driven health plans.
Free market solutions are not only more cost effective, but they encourage affordability, unlike ObamaCare.
This 53% is best viewed against the backdrop of how people felt a few years ago about their then-current insurance plans- 80% to 90% of those insured liked their plans! And why wouldn’t they, after all, they got to actually pick the plans that suited them best…as opposed to the minimum coverage mandated by politicians who know nothing about what you and your family need.
:the survey suggests that ObamaCare has had no real effect on the number of uninsured getting non-group (individual) private insurance.” this is not the ObamaCare’s primary intention…If uninsured wish to buy private insurance, why do they search for the public alternatives.
Note to SPM:
About once a month, I have to defend the ACA. I don’t really like doing so, but the truth calls me forward.
Before the ACA, in the individual market, what people who liked their health plans actually liked was low premiums. By and large they had never had to use their plans.
Again in the individual market, many persons who got sick and had to use their plans really hated the insurers. There are numerous blogs full of wrenching anecdotes about claims delayed and denied.