Mirror Cells: Something New to Be Afraid Of

Imagine a mirror reversed cell, made of mirror-reversed molecules. If it gained energy via photosynthesis, or via special adaptations that enable it to eat ordinary life, the fact that it was immune to ordinary predators and disease would give it a huge advantage; it could take over much of the biosphere. Sounds like a good reason not to make mirror cells right? Unfortunately, there are now big efforts to develop mirror cells…

More from Robin Hanson.

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    History is full of examples of well-meaning people introducing non-native species only to find the introduction did not perform as expected and, in fact, became invasive. The Cane Toad in Australia is an example. Some enterprising people thought the toads would eat insect pests that attacked sugar cane. But the insect pests were higher up in the cane than the toads; which were nocturnal, just the opposite of the insect pests. There is no predator that can withstand the cane toad’s poison so now they are multiplying.

  2. Brian Williams. says:

    Perhaps humans have become an “invasive species” and these mirror cells are the cure. You never know…

  3. Lizzy says:

    I think I’ve seen the movie….

  4. Joe Barnett says:

    I wouldn’t lose any sleep over this. A presidential advisory committee recently reported that there is no need of increased government regulation of life creation as a result of Carl Vinter’s experiments at Genentech. Useful new technology would overcome a “global ban.”

  5. Ken says:

    Sounds like something out of a science fiction story.

  6. Vicki says:

    Sounds like a 1950’s type horror movie.