How Successful Has Been No-Fault Divorce?

Pro: Scott Keyes.

678No-fault divorce has been a success. A 2003 Stanford University study detailed the benefits in states that had legalized such divorces: Domestic violence dropped by a third in just 10 years, the number of husbands convicted of murdering their wives fell by 10 percent, and the number of women committing suicide declined between 11 and 19 percent. A recent report from Maria Shriver and the Center for American Progress found that only 28 percent of divorced women said they wished they’d stayed married.

Dubious: Bryan Caplan.

Comments (19)

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  1. Morgon says:

    Being a part of tradition, I do not support divorce. Harmony in the family leads to prosperity in all undertakings.

  2. Trent says:

    This removes all commitment involved with marriage though

  3. Wally says:

    I wonder how the christian right feels about this

    • Trent says:

      Who cares. Sheep who vote are not what we need to win the presidency

      • Lucas says:

        But the Republicans need them, regardless of if they won’t vote for a Democrat. They will simply decide to not vote.

  4. Trevor L. says:

    Funny to see Ms. Schwarzenegger as a researcher for this…

  5. Ignacio says:

    So much for the sanctity of marriage

  6. Bill says:

    I’m surprised that someone like John Goodman who has focused so much on the externalities caused by government interference in health care markets would then turn around and announce “No Fault Divorce Works”! based on an 11 year old study without considering the social implications beyond the woman in the relationship. What about the social costs on the children (oh yeah,…them), the ones that killed themselves because Dad left b/c no fault made it easier to leave? How about all the murders, rapes, and overall mayhem stemming from single-parent homes where there are no fathers to help in disciplining the children? And I’m just warming up….

    And what does he mean “in those states that legalized such divorces”? All states have no fault divorce.

  7. Buster says:

    A recent report… found that only 28 percent of divorced women said they wished they’d stayed married.

    It makes sense that nearly three-quarters of women are happily divorced. Women initiate nearly three-quarters of divorce proceedings. Animal experts will tell you that the female of most species tends to be the “chooser” with respect to pair bonding. Males tend to les choosy, and compete with each other for mating opportunities. Thus, divorced men tend to be the males rejected as potential mates.