Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Bruce says:

    What would Jeb and Patty say to each other if they did meet?

  2. Buster says:

    Let me see… You spend every waking hour — and many sleepless nights — either studying, working or being on call for 12 years after you graduate from high school. You family suffers (if you have one), your relationships suffer (if you have time for one) and you owe $150,000 or more which you need to begin repaying.

    That might explain why new doctors suffer from stress and burnout.

  3. Floccina says:

    Mayo Study: Widespread Burnout Among New Doctors

    Yet another reason to make it easier to become a doctor in the USA. One that had not though about.

  4. Virginia says:

    Who in America doesn’t feel a little burned out right now?

  5. Mila says:

    How come so few ploepe within a society can scream, yell and jump up and down get so much attention? Do you know who they are? Are they ploepe you met in your life and steered clear of, or those you have seen on the Jerry Springer show or on the Fox network? You see them most vividly, almost daily.You however don?t see the majority, possibly 90% of society who make up its ploepe, the ones that don?t jump up and down to gather attention to themselves, and that?s the way it is.IF YOU DON?T KNOW IT BY NOW, THERE ARE THOSE FEW WITHIN THE TOTAL MAKEUP OF A SOCIETY GENERALLY THAT HAVE NOTHING TO OFFER OTHERS. THEY ARE GENERALLY SELF SERVING INDIVIDUALS WHO ALWAYS CREATE HAVOC TEARING DOWN GOOD AND ONLY OFFERING PROBLEMS, GRIEF AND MISERY TO THOSE WHO ARE NEAR OR AROUND THEM.The general public is not made up of corporations, or BIG BUSINESS. They are the ploepe who work in regular jobs: in small businesses, in menial labor, in small service sectors, in places where they do not get complete health care coverage or any coverage at all. They are the ones that do not get astronomical severance packages. THE REPUBLICANS BENEFIT BIG BUSINESS AND NOTHING ELSE. They put fear into the regular usually less educated or those uneducated persons: that without big business, especially big business in the health care field, the manufacturers (BIG BUSINESS) of drugs would stop investing in the research of new medicines, that you wouldn?t be able to get a doctor or be able to get specific xrays as the wait times would be outrageous. How do other countries manage if their health care is provided sufficiently by their own government? How is it possible that other countries manage to enrich their research into new medical phenomena that the American ploepe end up using as well, and those countries are not run by the Republican ideology which is BIG BUSINESS?That small minority being just a few (BIG BUSINESS and those that promote the Republican ideaology) CAUSE SO MUCH HEARTACHE AND DESPAIR TO THE MAJORITY and yet, because of the amount of trouble they can create by constantly making noise, without stopping to take a breath, and by that simple action they can create an illusion. They are the ones screaming that the devil is in the White House; they are against everything that would move the United States in a positive direction, because after all, they did not get to put a Republican in the White House. So to punish the majority, the ploepe who make up the United States, the Republicans deliberately do not think of the ploepe, but for themselves. They do not want to know that the ploepe wanted change and when faced with both the Democrat and Republican views to the future, chose the Democrat?s version. Those loudmouths just don?t want to accept that. Instead they group themselves up as one and fight anything the Democrats proposition. They (Republicans) don?t offer anything tangible. They had eight years to make changes, but did nothing. Amazing. If the Democrats, who voiced their objective all through the election campaign, wanted to push for a change, even if it were in bubble gum, the Republicans would vote no.Do you live with a person like that or are you the same as those ploepe? There is no such thing as peace and tranquility with anyone or any party that looks upon the olden days, the good ?ol boys, the suppressive and oppressive days. That?s exactly what the Republicans are.The reason there are two major parties is that there is one, the one in the White House, the majority, that has an eye toward the future, with a society and government that is without the inequalities that face the ploepe now. The other, the ones that only know chaos has enveloped this great nation with its greed. Is that the America we know or want? That is the illusion now being created by threats, lies and fear mongering.The Democrats were elected by the majority, the ploepe of this country who gave a mandate to the Democrats, to our President to bring about the change he promoted. There was nothing new added after he was elected. Everyone knew the direction he was going to take, and hoped to take. Even normally Republican States who went Democrat, knew, acknowledged and voted in the changes. By that majority vote the American ploepe screamed out legally and forcefully to give those elected Democrats a voice. By that single VOTE action, the greater public thought those elected members would stand up for the greater society to vote as one voice for that change, not to deviate but to act as a responsible united party to bring about the ploepes desires and help their President, ?their ideas and ideals? get passage through.The Democrats, being so democratic, have tried to appease the Republicans, offer an olive branch in order to work together in harmony. Democrats have gone to great lengths, which has never been done before, to have an open, less corrupt working government. Maybe it was just being naive, or just plain hope, but with a Republican Party that won?t take its loss maturely and get over it, the Democrats must move forward with their agenda without the Republicans. It?s just not working the other way.The question now comes to mind: why did the Democrats move in such a fashion, why be so tremendously diplomatic to a minority which was dismantled by us, the American People who vote so that the elected party would not have to deal with obstruction? Has the Democrats failed us, the American majority by going against the wishes of it greater population, giving into concessions, watering down the public majority mandate? It is because the Democrats wanted to work ?with? not ?against? the other national party toward resolving differences for the betterment of the American ploepe and the mandate given to the Democrats. The problem arose when the Democrats did not know when enough was enough. The old adage that you can bring a horse to water but you can?t make them drink, parallels this circumstance. The Republicans just don?t give a damn and won?t drink the Democrat?s water.The American ploepe did not vote for the Republican Party. The American ploepe knew full well that if they were elected, they as a group would move bills through Washington in self-interest , for big business and not for change, and in no underestimated circumstance, pass whatever they wanted without regard for what real change might be necessary in this economy, for the greater American public.Enough now is heard by general comments being made by the Americans who are quietly yelling during their discussion at parties, over dinner, or on the golf course. The Democrats are wearing us out. Did we not give them the tools to move in a direction that we, the greater American public gave them; was it not in our vote which was a clear mandate to carry out our wishes? Did we not give them that right to pass the healthcare and other bills we wanted? Were we not clear enough? What did we do wrong?The Republicans have used every tool with fear being among them, that they could muster: pretending they would like to be part of progress, using the offer of an olive branch, all the while they were just looking to waste time and cause anger and/or dispair to the greater population. Republicans were never and will never help push through any Democrat bill. It?s simple as that. WE THE PEOPLE, the ones that voted overwhelmingly for the Democrats, feel that the Democrats are not moving fast enough, or are being too genteel to the Republicans, and this has caused anger and despair. This is no way to win the favor of the general populace. We know see individuals in the Democrat party who rode the great wave of President Obama?s venue of change and got elected with those certain ideals and concepts in mind, afraid of their own coattails, of their own seat in the forthcoming November election. Rather than assert loyalty to the Party, to the President, to what the President has all along asserted during the many months of the long campaign, to the very ploepe who voted in the Democrats in their very State, these disintegrated Democrats are individualizing themselves and looking how best to separate themselves to get elected. Where?s the cohesiveness? Can?t they see that a cohesive Party gets things done and is stronger than individuals? Can?t they see that this is the very thing that the Republicans have wanted? Can?t they see that the Republican cohesiveness is what is lacking in the Democrat Party and is what is causing their own downfall? Can?t they see that it is the Republican cohesiveness, even though they are the minority, which is causing the Democrats to fail or stall at every bill? Our last President was a jerk, but the Republicans stood up with him for the Party. It was McCain?s downfall as well, because he was not offering change. Republicans do not want change. They?d rather invest in big corporations running the government, and investing on war which is economically beneficial for those big corporations.It is also the media, like FOX, that relentlessly bombards lies and mistruths, and helps perpetuate the idea of the Democrats as evil, and of a damaged Party. This minority group has no choice and will not stop the yelling and screaming, conjuring up unconscionable statements projecting various phantom fears. Their whole objective and very wishes are to cloud the absolute reality of how and why the Democrats are there as elected officials. Listening to these ruthless minds and believing they are stating facts will only persuade ploepe to see the Democrats as useless once again. Democrats must stand up as united. Democrats must show their strength. Democrats must move forward and explain in simple words, to the populace, the truth about their agenda. The elected members must stand up united, as an elected majority.There is only one reality. The Democrat Party was elected by the majority of this country for change and the number one issue is and always was healthcare. Republicans were never in for change; their idea of fixing the economy is making the corporations and CEO?s more powerful. They are interested in demonizing and destroying the Democrat Party than in fixing society?s ills.Democrats, are you to allow a minority group to derail your primary mandate which was given to you by the ploepe for the ploepe of this great country? REMEMBER, the American ploepe voted for you, for a specific purpose where one of the main points is and always will be for a united and unified healthcare for this country, to end the tyranny of the private health sector that governs public lives. The ploepe in the Government have an outstanding health care. Why shouldn?t the ordinary man? This main act will bring prosperity to this country, a major bill for all. The silent majority has spoken.