How to Physically Test for Employee Burnout, and Other Links

Employee burnout can be predicted from simple test. Your blood and the level of a hormone in your spit is all that’s needed.

One of four New Yorkers is on Medicaid.  The state spends more per beneficiary than neighboring New Jersey and Connecticut—or any other state.

Study: high-quality hospitals have death rates that are 34 percent lower than average-quality hospitals.  They also spend nearly 22 percent less.

The worst place to die is New Jersey, which has a combined effective estate and inheritance tax rate of 54.1%.  HT to Greg Mankiw.

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Hard to understand why people with large estates would want to locate in New Jersey.

  2. Larry C. says:

    I believe that the NCPA has documented in previous studies that New York Medicaid is a mess. This is more confirming evidence.

  3. Ken says:

    My bet is that the high-quality, low-cost hospitals lose money from Medicare precisely because they are good.

  4. Virginia says:

    employee burnout: In this economy, the solution is simply to hire someone else. I bet it’s cheaper for companies than giving time off and paying for dr’s bills. (Not that I’m advocating that. It’s “The Jungle” approach to HR issues.)

    quality: I just took a course on quality hospitals. Very fascinating to think about medical care as a process that can be handled in such a way as to improve outcomes. I had thought that “quality” was just another word that they used in health care management. But, it’s actually a really interesting area of study.

  5. Devon Herrick says:

    In New York State federal Medicaid Matching Funds are used as an economic development engine and subsidy to prop up inefficient hospitals that would otherwise go out of business (and their employees who would be unemployed).

  6. Neil H. says:

    Virginia, it’s expensive to replace employees. And even if you wanted to do so, effective replacement would require identifying the employee who is about to burnout.

    I can see it now … employers demanding blood and spit from everone for the burnout test.

  7. John Goodman says:

    Neil, call it blood, spit and tears.

  8. artk says:

    By all rights, Texas, with a higher poverty rate than New York State, should have a higher percentage of the population on Medicaid than New York.

  9. Neil H. says:

    artk, you’re back. I’ve missed you.