Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Nichole says:

    Everyone has the right to buy,sell,and trade, it just depends on how you go about it.

  2. Alex says:

    What do they mean by “potentially preventable”? Something like, “if this patient wasn’t obese they wouldn’t have had a heart attack” or is there another definition?

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Nearly 60 percent of Medicare beneficiary visits to emergency rooms and 25 percent of their hospital admissions were “potentially preventable.”

    That’s why Medicare needs to be reformed using private accounts. Something as simple as a $5,000 deductible and a deposit to an HRA (or HSA-type) to pay for care below the deductible would shift seniors’ perverse incentives.

  4. Robert says:

    A) “Infections of upper respiratory tract most frequent clinical reason” for potentially preventable emergency room visits?! Are you kidding me? The idiocy of this notwithstanding, why on earth would you want to go sit around waiting in an ER to have them tell you “Yea, go home and have some sprite and chicken soup.” Time well spent. Acceptable reasons to go to the ER:
    1- Broken bone (sometimes)
    2- Uncontrollable bleeding
    3- You’re brought in an ambulance
    4- You’re dying

    At the top of the list for UNacceptable reasons? Common cold.
    B)This gets into an interesting aspect of metaphysics regarding intellectual property and individual instances. If I buy a book, while I don’t have the rights to reprint, publish, and distribute it, I certainly should have rights over THAT individual instance of the book. If bought and paid for, and I want to burn it, lend it out, or sell it, that should be well within my rights.

    If I buy an iPhone and want to put it into a blender, I should be able to do that too without Apple coming after me. (Worth watching, actually! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWP8OUytprE)

    This whole premise is laughable and the Supreme Court should not be wasting their time on it.

    Sidebar:Great to know the price of our books are gouged so high compared to other country that one can make over a million dollars undercutting the industry. Ask any college student about the ridiculousness of buying a $200 book and having it be worthless in 6 months because they gave it a minor re-edit.

    C)I have no more comments about this election.

  5. Ender says:

    “Economist to Obama: You are misrepresenting my study of the Romney tax plan.”

    Interesting to see that the Obama campaign is misrepresenting this economists’ work. Unfortunately, I dont think this is an adnormal event in politics.

  6. August says:

    I can see how they would get it mixed up.

    “One part of that broadening could be eliminating the exclusion of employer payments for health insurance for those with AGI over $100,000. That would increase income tax revenue by about $40 billion (out of the total revenue loss from the health insurance exclusion for all taxpayers of $168 billion) plus an additional $10 billion of additional payroll tax revenue. (My estimate of this $40 billion is based on an imputation method developed by John Gruber based on data collected in the Medical Expenditure Panel Study.)

    Eliminating the exclusion of municipal bond interest for taxpayers with AGI over $100,000 would increase tax revenue by an additional $15 billion.

    Eliminating the child credit for those with incomes over $100,000 would increase revenue by an additional $10 billion.”

  7. Billy Scout says:

    @ Alex,

    I think what they meant by “potentially preventable” is that these patients could have received care in less costly ambulatories/settings and not neccessarily in an emergency room. Physicians just need to distinguish between those patients in critical conditions that need to be treated in an ER and those you can simply wait till the next day (or perhaps get immediate care) at a cheaper clinic. ER visits are way more costly than regular visits, and some patients just need to be more aware of these differences before making a decision on where to receive care. Some people just have no clue. They simply go to the ER because they know they are going to be treated fast enough, but what they are not aware of is the costs of these visits and how much money they could save by going to any other regular clinic.