Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Frank says:

    I honestly don’t know whether it is good or bad thing that children are just as obese as a decade ago? Interestingly enough there was a survey just released that obese children don’t know they are overweight/to what extent they are overweight.

    • Matthew says:

      Frankly, I don’t think this is such a bad thing if a child isn’t aware of their obesity. At that stage, the parent is the one who needs to be monitoring their child’s diet and an 8 year old should not take on the traits of being negatively self-conscious of themselves at such a young age.

  2. James M. says:

    “…the removal of soda and candy from schools. Many vending machines now offer healthier alternatives.”

    I think we all know that this has nothing to do with combating an increase in childhood obesity. By not providing candy and sodas in vending machines, kids are likely substituting by bringing these items from home.

    • Flyover County Americans says:

      Exactly right. Michelle Obama and Mike Bloomberg, the good, caring Leftists they are, cannot regulate people’s behavior as much as they would like to. It is up to individuals, not elitist politicians, to regulate their diets.

      • Jay says:

        “good, caring Leftists they are, cannot regulate people’s behavior as much as they would like to”

        Brainwashing is very powerful, but I think junk food brainwashing is more powerful than the governments brainwashing.

    • John R. Graham says:

      I do not believe there is compelling evidence to support the change in vending machines. Who knows, maybe they will outlaw selling candy to children, in general…

  3. Buddy says:

    “This year’s fine for disobeying Obamacare’s individual mandate up to $12,240.”

    If your going to pay that much of a fine, you might as well just get some ObamaCare while your at it. Unless the fine was the cheaper alternative…

  4. Thomas says:

    “Fixing the problems that led to the waiting-list scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs will cost $17.6 billion over the next three years”

    The VA is the closest thing we have in America to a single-payer system. Welcome to the repercussions of such policies!

  5. Dale says:

    Wasn’t Oregon supposed to be the model state for ObamaCare?

    If Oregon is supposed to be the best it is supposed to be, then ObamaCare needs to be reformed immediately.

  6. Buster says:

    I feel like a real chump for actually paying for my insurance. If I had known I could lie and get a better deal, I would have done it. But a sense of honesty keeps me from that.

  7. Mr. Freedom says:

    The GAO (who can’t even control what its executives waste in taxpayer money – remember Las Vegas a couple of years ago?) sting finds that fraudulent applications are likely to be accepted and given subsidies through Obamacare. What a shocker!

    The administration has no reason to crack down on such people. They are merely trying to pad their enrollment numbers, and so they have zero incentives to make sure people are playing by the rules.

    Check that, the administration has now been found to not even be playing by its own rules as ALL of the subsidies given to insurers on behalf of patients in Medicaid non-expansion states are ILLEGAL, and thus just as fraudulent as the GAO’s phony applicants.