10 thoughts on “Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen”

  1. Just saw a piece on MERS on Fox, 20 seconds was dedicated to it. Following that piece 5 minutes were dedicated to Beyonce and Jay Z. *Facepalm*

  2. The MERS case really highlights the need for more TSA screening of those coming into the country!

      1. Only 2 have died. That would cost billions, economically that is not feasible yet

  3. The first article really demonstrates the inefficiency of the federal government with regards to health care policy.

    1. Only 4 hospitals?! That’s insane considering there are hundreds and thousands out there that “MUST” abide by the law.

        1. Remember: About $22 billion federal has already been spend on electronic health records, and there are about $8 billion more budgeted!

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