Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Benedict Popplewell says:

    90 percent of specialist don’t follow treatment guidelines for the 90 percent of misdiagnoses in the first place. ADHD is over diagnosed. We shouldn’t be prescribing preschoolers medication at all. Kids are squirrelly by nature. I think preschool is just too young to make a diagnosis. This news is disheartening.

  2. Irving Toller says:

    While there is usually a lag in how technology seeps through an entire economy, it has taken far too long for hospitals to upgrade to the 21st century. I wonder if this is because hospitals just want to squeeze profits while avoiding costly upgrades?

  3. Buster says:

    Maryland BlueCross has…warn[ed] young people could pay as much as 150 percent more.

    That’s how Guaranteed Issue/Community Ratingworks. Young people are expected to over-pay so people with pre-existing conditions get a bargain. Of course, young people are healthy and do not see why they even need health insurance — much less pay more for it than a payment on a new car. The result is young people don’t buy insurance until they get sick. That totally screws up the risk pool!

  4. H. James Prince says:

    On the sequester:
    “The Administration FY 2013 budget request for the FAA was lower than what the FAA is getting post-sequester.”

    I laughed heartily. The FAA is getting less money in the 2013 Fiscal Year than they currently get under the “dangerous and irresponsible” sequester cuts. Time to privatise the FAA. Canada did it in ’96, and they’ve been fine.

  5. Tiger says:

    “More than 90 percent of medical specialists who diagnose and manage Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in preschoolers do not follow treatment guidelines.”

    – This is alarming considering the unknown affects that certain medications can have on young people down the road.

  6. J.J. says:

    “The Obama administration argues that the sequester is (harmfully) preventing vaccinations for the poor, even though their new budget calls for an even larger cut.”

    – I think there several useless research projects that the administration could be cutting other than stuff like this. Unfortunately, I think the Obama Admin is playing politics.

  7. Gabriel Odom says:

    Here is a list of ADHD symptoms from the DSM:

    a) Careless mistakes/lack of attention to details
    b) Lack of sustained attention
    c) Poor listener
    d) Failure to follow through on tasks
    e) Poor organization
    f) Avoiding tasks requiring sustained mental effort
    g) Losing things
    h) Easily distracted
    i) Forgetful in daily activities

    Strangely enough, those all sound like symptoms of being a child. Anyone who had been around a 4-year-old for more than a few hours will recognize EVERY SINGLE ONE of these symptoms. That’s not ADHD folks, that’s being a kid.

  8. Lloyd says:

    Web MD says that inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity are symptoms of ADHD. That sounds like most kids, if not all, have some for of ADHD.

  9. Jordan says:

    Have to agree, starting the kids off on medicine immediately seems like a good way to create dependence on pharmaceutical solutions later in life.

  10. Pete says:

    Why would young people, who are generally healthier get such a large premium increase?

    Perhaps I just don’t understand how the insurance racket works. I always kinda imagined it a little like a Ponzi scheme.. or Social Security.. same thing..