Don’t Get Sick in Canada

In her new book, The Truth about ObamaCare, Sally Pipes of the Pacific Research Institute explains that Canadians wait weeks or even months for diagnostic scans and are often forced to rely on antiquated technology.  Providers have little incentive to replace aging technology when it’s fully utilized by patients with no other choices. For instance, in Canada the proportion of the medical inventory that’s over a decade old includes 21 percent of bone densitometers, used to treat osteoporosis patients; 28 percent of SPECT units, used to create three-dimensional images of the body. In addition, one-third of gamma cameras used for nuclear imaging, a quarter of cardiac catheterization labs and angiography equipment are more than 10 years old.

For comparison, international standard suggest less than 10 percent of medical technology should be more than 10 years old and 60 percent should be less than five years old.

Comments (8)

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  1. Ken says:

    It’s always good to be reminded that the system the left most wants is a system that doesn’t work.

  2. Nancy says:

    Ken is right. Advocates of national health insurance always point to Canada these days.

  3. Larry C. says:

    Sally’s book also has a lot of good stuff about Obama Care.

  4. John Goodman says:

    Doug Bandow has a good review of Sally’s book here:

  5. Joe S. says:

    Isn’t Sally Pipes Canadian? I think she has had a lot of personal experience with socialized medicine.

  6. Erik Ramirez says:

    My wife’s family is from Nova Scotia & Newfoundland respectively. They receive great care there and could never afford the treatments they have received in the US both elective and health maintenance. They include a knee replacement, weight loss programs, bariatric surgery, and mental health services. All services improved their quality of life.

    The moral to this story is we will see what we want to see when introducing politics into any discussion.

  7. Linda Gorman says:

    Some people get good care in Canada. Others, like Danny Williams the premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, come to the US for surgery that isn’t available in Canada.

    If no Canadians come to the US for care then why do US radiologists, and lots of and hospitals near the Canadian boarder, feature web bages for “Canadian Customers.” Henry Ford hospital even offers a cash discount of 40% and promises to help with the paper work at the Ontario Ministry of Health.

  8. LINDA'S RIGHT says:


    GOOD thinknig. I hate those web badgers! Why do so many people lie to us?????