Baker on Medical Tourism, and Other Links

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  1. Ken says:

    What can we say about Dean Baker? Welcome the sinner to the flock?

  2. Mae says:

    That’s the irony of holding in negative emotions, it will shorten your lifespan.

  3. John Goodman says:

    BTW, I am preparing an answer for Arnold Kling.

  4. Neil Caffrey says:

    Well of course medical tourism works. Allowing markets to operate properly are a great way to help fix healthcare.

  5. seyyed says:

    medical tourism makes sense-it is often cheaper to pay for a patient to travel and have a procedure done cheaper than they would at a local hospital

  6. Kyle says:

    Telling neurotics to lay off the booze. For shame Ms. Castillo, drinkers live longer.

  7. Jennifer says:

    “…according to a new study that revealed that being hot-tempered and expressing your anger could be a key to enjoying a long and healthy life.”

    This has got to be a joke. How can you be healthy, both mentally and/or emotionally, if you can’t control your anger? Inablity to control your own emotions shows instability, and that, my friends, is not healthy in any way you put it. Way to make people think that getting easily upset is totally fine. Hopefully those with some common sense will know better than this.

  8. Studebaker says:

    Can expressing anger increase your life span?

    There’s an old saying that’s often attributed to bosses… “I don’t get headaches; I give them.”

    Poor health status is correlated with lower socioeconomic status, feelings of helplessness and not being in control. People who can afford to vent their anger likely are in positions of authority. Thus, they live longer because they don’t bottle up the stress and don’t feel helpless (which itself is related to lower socioeconomic status, which is related to lower life expectancies).

  9. August says:

    I’m sure the publicity of medical tourism received on this blog contributed to Bakers discovery.