Analyzing the SOTU Speech

NCPA Senior Fellow Pam Villarreal slices and dices it. Best part: Who’s at fault for our economic woes? Dodd/Frank? ObamaCare? Regulatory and tax uncertainty? Fannie and Freddie? None of the above.

The banks get blamed twice. Oil companies twice. Wall Street twice. Not to be overlooked are Chinese workers and Chinese tires. (Tires? Yes, tires.)

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  1. Ken says:

    Good analysis.

  2. Buster says:

    Yes, if not for the Chinese, the state of the union would be just hunky-dory. Somehow the taxes, regulations, and other factors that make semi-skilled U.S. labor cost prohibitive compared to semi-skilled foreign labor has nothing to do with our declining manufacturing base.

  3. Brian says:

    That speech was a terrible dose of populism, littered with scapegoats.

  4. Brian Williams. says:

    For being such a great speaker, Obama gave a boring State of the Union speech.

    But after Mitch Daniels’ rebuttal, I’m convinced he should have run for president.