Scientists Discover Liberal Gene, and Other Links
There is a liberal gene. It’s a dopamine receptor called DRD4.
Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf recently predicted that the federal health reform law will cause a half-percentage point drop in labor supply. That’s equivalent to 698,575 full-time jobs.
The federal government has paid out more than $1 billion in checks to about 250,000 dead people over a decade. Sen. Coburn: “Washington paid for dead people’s prescriptions and wheelchairs, subsidized their farms, helped pay their rent, and even chipped in for their heating and air conditioning bills.”
Some doctors use genetic tests to help manage their patients’ care. There are 1,956 diseases for which genetic tests are on the market.
There is a Liberal gene? Do you suppose Liberals will drop their opposition to genetically modified plants and animals as long as the technology is only used to genetically modify voters into Liberals?
Oops, you left out some details on that 1/2% drop. The same report says this will be due to people voluntarily cutting hours. Page 47, IIRC, of the report.
I agree that there is a liberal gene. I know some people who appear to have one. It prevents rational thought
If dead people can get a check, why can’t I get one?
I’m with Vicki. Where’s my check?