The Secret to Old Age: The Right Gene Set

People who live to 100 and beyond have a unique set of genetic variations that seems to help them live 20 years longer than the rest of the population, researchers have found.

Full article on the role of genes in extreme long life.

Critics respond: “It has obvious weaknesses, is probably incorrect and should not have been published in a premier journal.”

Comments (8)

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  1. Ken says:

    It would be nice if we could boil this down to a set of genes. And then clone them.

  2. Brian Williams. says:

    My doctor suggested a diet of lentils and ruffage, along with an exercise plan that includes climbing lots of stairs.

    Not knowing my genetic disposition, I may or may not live 20 years longer, but it will sure FEEL like it.

  3. Virginia says:

    I agree with Brian. Living a long time is a great idea until all of your friends are dead, and you’re hanging out at the nursing home by yourself.

  4. Bruce says:

    Virginia, the goal is to live to 100 and feel like you are 50. When they find that gene set, I’ll buy it.

  5. John Goodman says:

    Here is Greg Mankiw on how these genetic markers could upset various insurance markets:

  6. Neil H. says:

    Among other things, it appears that people with the right (longevity) genes shouldn’t have to pay as much for life insurance. But to get the lower premium they would have to reveal their genes. Anyone who didn’t do that, however, would be presumed not to have the right genes.

    So you get genetic discrimination through the back door, so to speak.

  7. Virginia says:

    Bruce, I would probably buy it too.

  8. Greg says:

    I second Bruce’s idea.