Naturopaths Beat Real Doctors in Online Reviews

If it quacks like a duck……

A study of more than 28,000 online reviews of doctors suggests that American healthcare consumers are fondest of naturopaths, audiologists, oncologists and osteopathic physicians among healthcare specialists, and are least satisfied with care given by psychiatrists, dermatologists, orthopedists and family-medicine doctors.

Ironically, the analysis indicates that generally as a doctor’s level of education and training increases, patient satisfaction actually decreases. (Vanguard Communcations)

Maybe people have a higher bar of expectations for physicians than naturopaths? I hope that is what this survey is telling us.

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  1. Perry says:

    I knew I should have become a chiropractor.

  2. Big Truck Joe says:

    Naturopaths, audiologist, and osteopaths probably spend more face to face time with patients giving the patient more satisfaction.
    Traditional physicians, with a greater office administrative burden, don’t have as much time to spend with patients as they have a higher overhead to pay which means they need volume to make up for those costs .