New Online Reviews of Doctors, Lack of Sleep and Early Death, and Do Women Make Better Physicians?
Sleep deprivation is bad for you. But is it worse than waterboarding?
Half the medical students are women; but do women make better doctors? By some measures, yes.
I always suspected that too little sleep was bad. Yawn.
Let’s hope the women are at least as good, especially if they make up half the docs.
Women make up half the docs because medical schools decided that they should. One problem that has not yet been addressed: female physicians work fewer hours than male ones.
I’ve always been a 8-9 hour person. I’m sure that puts me at risk for something. But there’s no better feeling than sleeping late, especially on a cold day.
I think Linda has made a politically incorrect observation.
I’ve also read that in medical school woman often opt for the specialties that allow better work / life balance. Dermatology was mentioned as a specialty that is financially rewarding, but doesn’t entail being on call afterhours or emergencies on weekends. Women are more apt than men to avoid areas of medicine that interfere with a normal family life.