How Far is Michelle Obama Willing to Go to Combat Child Obesity?

More and more evidence points to pivotal events very early in life — during the toddler years, infancy and even before birth, in the womb — that can set young children on an obesity trajectory that is hard to alter by the time they’re in kindergarten.

Full article on early predictors of childhood obesity.

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  1. Larry C. says:

    Into the womb? Yes, I suppose The Obama Administration thinks there is no part of life the government should not regulate.

  2. Bret says:

    It gives a whole new meaning to the term “nanny state.”

  3. Tom H. says:

    I’m afraid we have a nanny first lady.

  4. KB says:

    That’s what this healthcare bill was all about-it had nothing to do with insuring the had to do with expanding government control over every aspect of our lives so they can micromanage everyhting we do…..

  5. Virginia says:

    Call me crazy, but I’m just not sure that these intervention programs help. I know a lot of people that, upon news from their doctor that they have to lose weight, switch doctors.

    The causes of obesity are ingrained in most households long before the child arrives, and saying to a parent, “Your kid is fat,” isn’t going to change anything.