Hits and Misses

12 thoughts on “Hits and Misses”

  1. “Maryland hospital employees reduced infection errors by washing hands 90 percent of the time.”

    And I bet it didn’t cost a dime either.

    “After having burnt through $30 billion subsidizing providers’ electronic health records, the Office of the National Coordinator of Health IT wants to become a regulator.”

    I see another disaster in the making.

    1. “And I bet it didn’t cost a dime either.”

      Well they probably have to buy more soap.

  2. Big fat surprise: Government crusade against fat might have increased obesity.”

    It looks like Michelle’s plan to get things moving hasn’t been very successful.

  3. “Maryland hospital employees reduced infection errors by washing hands 90 percent of the time.”

    90% of the time after what? Using the restroom? Going into and out of a patients room? Health care professionals should be washing their hands 100% of the time after these things!

      1. You may remember a few years ago, when it was first identified that hospital staff were not adequately hand-washing, one physician evangelized this common-sense practice.

        Some hospitals refused to let him come to educate them, because the practice had not been proven by randomized-controlled trials! They feared the FDA would demand the soap and hot water be licensed as medical devices, I guess.

      2. It’s amazing how resistant doctors and hospitals were when faced with something that was (arguably) common sense. Surgeons scrub prior to surgery. But the notion that hand washing should be performed prior to each exam was difficult to convince doctors — who thought it was just another “quality-input” rather than a quality-enhancing “output.”

        A few years ago I spoke at the annual meeting of the medical staff at a hospital system. I remember hearing the chief of the medical staff try to explain hand washing wasn’t just another task that didn’t actually impact quality.

        Also, various studies have found doctors’ neckties are a way to transfer germs. They’re rarely drycleaned.

  4. “Five States’ Health-Care Exchanges See Costly Fixes”

    Why couldn’t they have just gotten it right the first time?

  5. “One in five Americans is now dependent on Medicaid.”

    That is over 60 million Americans on government assistance insurance. How can this possibly be affordable for the country?

    1. It won’t be. The millennials will have to pay for this in upcoming decades. If they have any sense they will repeal this overspending nonsense.

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