Hits and Misses

15 thoughts on “Hits and Misses”

  1. “…telemedicine — connecting doctors and patients via a secure video line.”

    This is a really interesting innovation that will be interesting to see in the near future. However, how will doctors be able to accurately diagnose an ailment from a webcam? Or perform an annual wellness exam?

    1. It would also be interesting if there was 24/7 coverage with the website. So if you wake up at 2 am with a cold, you can see a doctor right away.

  2. “Men who beat cancer and who burned more than 12,600 calories a week exercising, almost halved their risk of death.”

    Exercise partnered with some chemotherapy may be the solution to beating some forms of cancer.

      1. This proves once again that healthcare should focus on prevention. The article stated that early diagnose has been vital for cancer survivors to live longer. Also, that healthy life styles lead to a longer life.

        1. Similarly, in one of John’s blog posts from a couple of weeks ago, the body eventually wears down and cancer cells developing or spreading is more or less inevitable. There is measures to take for the sake of prevention, but also there is no one solution.

  3. “About $3,000 to compensate for their time.”

    I wouldn’t mind taking a week off with the flu if I got that kind of compensation.

    1. That is nothing to be taken lightly in regards to the amount of flu-related deaths there are each year.

  4. If 50% percent of the earnings of the S&P 500 are realized outside, isn’t that healthy for the US economy? That means that the companies are not dependents of the US market. It is a reflection that the world economy has integrated, which is a great news.

  5. …men who burned more than 12,600 calories per week by exercising, were 48 per cent less likely to die than those that did little exercise and expended less than 2,100 calories a week…

    I don’t doubt that exercise is high correlated with survival. However, I wonder if the exercise is causal or related to something else. Men weakened by severe cancer may not be able to exercise. Moreover, men able burned more than 12,600 calories per week by exercising are in much better shape than those who cannot exercise that much. In addition, men who already had the capacity to exercise prior to getting cancer may not be representative of men who were more feeble prior to being diagnosed with cancer.

  6. I think the experiment to analyze the flu is flawed. They are only testing on adults who are healthy and younger than 50. That means that those who are killed by the virus, seniors and kids mostly are being excluded from the experiment. The immune system reacts differently; children or senior’s reaction to influenza might be less effective than adults.

    1. But you also cannot conduct the experiment with the group that are the most reactive to the flu. They should test it on consenting adults who can handle the experiment, without an increased likelihood of death.

  7. Having access to a healthcare provider online is an attractive idea. However, using cloud-based tools, if not sufficiently protected, can be accessed with all of patient information to be compromised. New regulations for patient protection under HIPPA would need to be developed.

  8. “MDLive is designed to be affordable for patients who are paying out of pocket. Individuals pay $14.95 per month for a plan, and families are charged $24.95 monthly.”

    Sounds a lot cheaper than a typical doctor’s visit!

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