Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen
Obama says “don’t read too much” into the bad jobs report for the 31st time since November 2009.
Man dies after doc takes lunch during kidney operation.
Shelter mistakenly euthanizes pet dog. How much should the owners be able to sue for?
The shelter case happens more often then anyone would think it would. The vet tech made an honest mistake, suing her is just not right.
Did the doctors have a four course meal?
I can understand the point of view in the last article, but practically speaking it is ridiculous. There is no way to fairly or objectively determine the monetary worth of “sentimental” value.
Man dies after doc takes lunch during kidney operation.
Some jobs just require persistence and strict attention to detail until the task at hand is completely finished. Some examples included:
1) Newscaster: you cannot just take a break when your spouse calls because your kid is sick. 2) Race car drive: I suspect you would lose sponsors if you called in sick or just pulled off the side of the road for a quick bite or a bathroom break. Airline pilot: with few exceptions, you need to land the plane before exiting the job site. And finally, 3) Surgeon: Doctors are held in high regard and enjoy a status unequalled by virtually any other profession. Nonetheless, you cannot just leave a patient in the operating theater and grab lunch with the surgical team just because you’re hungry.
A few years ago I remember hearing about a surgeon who was suspended when he left the OR to make a deposit at a nearby bank.
Instead the patients family should be suing the doctor. Seems fairer.
If people can sue animal shelters for mistakingly putting the wrong animal to sleep, the operating costs would increase to a level, that I imagine, would put the shelters out of business.
Plus, Most of the shelter workers do not get paid well at all (or are volunteers), and only work at these places because they love animals. Their intentions are pure.
On Man dies after doc takes lunch during kidney operation:
Harsh critique? A harsh critique is what a move gets when it doesn’t hold true to the book it was based upon. This should be more along the lines of those involved being banned from medicine, sued, and possible hung out to dry for manslaughter charges while the hospital has SEVERE penalties imposed. That’s just inexcusable.
I completely agree with Robert. “Harsh critique” is not the appropriate phrase.
Disturbing news. Probably the most expensive lunch (in terms of costing a man’s life) that nurse and doctor will ever have.
Obama says “don’t read too much” into the bad jobs report for the 31st time since November 2009.
Talking about sweeping bad economic reports under the rug. Couldn’t make it more obvious!
How much should the dog’s owner be able to sue for vs how much should the family of that man killed by a hungry doctor sue for? I’m interested to find out how this plays out. Thoughts and prayers go out to both families.