Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Perry says:

    Income Inequality Institute creates more inequality by paying Paul Krugman $25,000 a month — no teaching required.

    Wow 25K a month just to rant against inequality? No wonder he doesn’t make any sense.

    • Randall says:

      The more the Krug gets attention, the more people will pay him. It is all about volume in readers, subscribers, money and influence.

    • Bill B. says:

      And this isn’t a headline from the Onion? Wow reality is becoming satire.

  2. Suzy says:

    Kathleen Sebelius for U.S. Senate?

    It says a lot about our elected officials that this is where a disgraced administrator, whose tenure at HHS was marked by complete incompetence, would go…

    • Clark says:

      Democrats last held a Kansas U.S. Senate seat in 1939.

    • Howard says:

      Disgraced administrators = great politicians

    • Thomas says:

      After the Obamacare fiasco, it would probably be best if she stepped away for a bit. You don’t want to make her an elected official, look what she did with ObamaCare.

  3. PJ says:

    “When America’s joint surgeons were challenged to come up with a list of unnecessary procedures in their field, their selections shared one thing: none significantly impacted their incomes.”

    So I guess they didn’t mention all of those feet doctors love to chop off for profit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG56B2et4M8

  4. Sue says:

    I’m sure Krugman will redistribute those funds to someone who actually needs them. After all, at a certain point, you’ve made enough money… http://hotair.com/archives/2010/04/29/obama-i-do-think-at-a-certain-point-youve-made-enough-money/

  5. BHS says:

    So, it almost sounds to me like the Income Inequality Institute feels that by offering incentives to Krugman, he’ll perform work for them.

    • Jay says:

      Is it the Income Inequality Institute’s job to create income inequality? If so, mission accomplished.

  6. VN says:

    CUNY to Krugman: “I wanted you to have no doubt that we can provide not just a platform for public interventions and a stimulating academic community­—especially, as you will know, because of our investments in the study of inequality—but also a relatively comfortable perch.”


  7. Devon Herrick says:

    When America’s joint surgeons were challenged to come up with a list of unnecessary procedures in their field, their selections shared one thing: none significantly impacted their incomes.

    I recall a similar anecdote about asking Members of Congress to identify waste. Nobody could think of a thing!

  8. James M. says:

    “CUNY intends to pay Krugman $225,000, or $25,000 per month (over two semesters), to “play a modest role in our public events” and “contribute to the build-up” of a new “inequality initiative.”

    Yeah, so about that thing where the blames income inequality on Republicans…