Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. PJ says:

    “Politico editorial: Kathleen Sebelius can’t be fired.”

    …But I bet you could get her to quit if you forced her to enroll in Obamacare!

  2. JD says:

    “A conservative figure would be $70 million. A more modest figure would be $125 million to $150 million. Or one could embrace the entire project, as outlined by GAO, and declare that it is at least $350 million.”

    At the very least it cost wayyy more than it is worth.

  3. JD says:

    “ObamaCare contractors: we’re blameless; HHS is at fault.”

    I believe it. How often do things of this magnitude fail in the private sector? Never.

    • Dewaine says:

      Right, either the government is pushing a project that isn’t feasible or they demanded a timeline and changes that weren’t.

  4. JD says:

    “Politico editorial: Kathleen Sebelius can’t be fired.”

    Who cares, fire Obama.

  5. Dewaine says:

    “Do insurers really care who enrolls? There’s a huge tax on excess profits — and a subsidy for losses — so that it doesn’t make sense to expend a lot of energy trying to get a better patient mix.”

    Amazing. Punishing success and rewarding failure is how you get systematically misappropriated money. We’re talking about consumers not getting what they want at a cost that doesn’t reflect value.

  6. Dewaine says:

    “Medicaid SNAFU: On Nov. 1, the health law’s malfunctioning enrollment system is supposed to send reams of data to states so they can begin placing thousands of people into Medicaid. But state officials say that transfer system has barely been tested and could be vulnerable to technical failures like those that have crippled the broader ObamaCare sign-up process.”

    I’m glad I haven’t input any information, how much identity theft will come from this?

  7. Buster says:

    ObamaCare contractors: we’re blameless; HHS is at fault.

    There’s plenty of blame to go around. HHS, Obama, breeding-heart liberals, IT contractors, and
    Americans who are either dishonest enough — or naïve enough — to think they can get something for nothing.

  8. Bubba says:

    Politico editorial: Kathleen Sebelius can’t be fired.

    I say fire her! Send her packing — back to Kansas! God only knows that’s a fate worse than death!