Government Regulation Isn’t That Bad . . . If You’re a Dog

If you’re a human, I think you have to go to Europe for treatments like this.

Adult animal stem cell technology uses the body’s own regenerative healing power to cure osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia and tendon, ligament and cartilage injuries. In the process, fat tissue is removed from the animal, the stem cells are separated and activated and then injected into the affected area. The process takes 2 ½ to three hours. The procedure costs about $1,800 for dogs and $2,400 for horses. Hurrell said she has never seen an unsuccessful case.

Full article on animal stem cell treatments.

Comments (4)

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Maybe the regulations are going to the dogs.

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    Human stem cell treatments are available in some countries. However, public health advocates warn patients to be very cautious because unscrupulous clinics often prey on desperate people. Procedures that seem to work in animals are positive experiments for future research in human subjects.

  3. Brian Williams. says:

    As long as my insurance will cover it…

  4. Simon says:

    I agree with Devon that a positive results in animals is suggestive for future research in humans. However, there is a slippy slope to the use of stem cells with many ethical questions.