Don’t Buy These Myths

These are health care myths demolished by Liz Szabo in USA Today:

You can prevent colds with vitamin C, echinacea or zinc. But 16 studies show that echinacea is no better than a sugar pill. Thirty studies including a total of 11,000 people found vitamin C had no effect.

Going out in cold or wet weather makes you sick. People who were chilled were no more likely to become ill than those who were warm and comfortable.

You should wait an hour after eating before you go swimming. Exercising after eating a big meal may make people feel uncomfortable, but it won't cause life-threatening cramps.

Comments (3)

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  1. Neil H. says:

    Glad to see the info on cold and wet weather. Now I can sleep with the windows open and not feel guilty

  2. Vicki says:

    This is one more nail in the coffin of the antioxidants.

  3. Nancy says:

    I had no idea the evidence against vitamin C was so strong.