Category: Interesting Links

Screen for Dementia, New Pill Alerts Your Doctor, and Why It’s Hard to Stick to an Exercise Routine

Are you getting dementia? You can screen yourself.

Poor eating habits and failure to exercise explained. People are present-oriented.

New York Interns, Robot Workers, and Doctor Shuns ObamaCare Supporters

Sugar, Multitasking, Dark Chocolate

Just 2½ percent of us can do two things at once – talking on a cell phone while driving at peak performance.

Dark Chocolate Study: Eating two Hershey’s Kisses every day can prevent 85 heart attacks and strokes in every 10,000 people over a decade. (previous post here)

Egg Donor’s SAT Score Matters, Diabetes Capital is China, ObamaCare Doctor Fees

Therapeutic Hypothermia, Alzheimer’s and the Fountain of Youth

Therapeutic hypothermia: doctors cool you down about 7 degrees; then they warm you back up.

Can mind games help prevent Alzheimer’s? Maybe.

It’s not quite the Fountain of youth, but scientists have found a way to induce some of our cells to live forever. 

One-Third of Physicians to Leave Practice, Walgreens in WA Stops Filling New Medicaid Prescriptions, and Is Dark Chocolate Good for You?

Walgreens drugstores in Washington state won’t fill any new Medicaid patient prescriptions.

There is health value in dark chocolate, says a Baylor University doctor.


Bon Appétit!

Comparative Effectiveness Research, Change Your Memories, and the Supersized Meal at the Last Supper

Is it possible to permanently change your memories? Maybe.

How much was consumed at the Last Supper? The food in famous paintings of the meal has grown by biblical proportions over the last millennium.

Canadian man faces either bankruptcy or death. After he went to the Mayo Clinic for surgery, the Alberta Cancer Board refused to pay for doses of the anti-tumor drug Avastin. (Hat tip to Linda Gorman.)

Obama Gets Special Health Treatment, Stopping Smoking May Increase Medicare Costs, and Women Have Better Memories

The Cost of Daylight Savings, No Sitting Allowed, and One Woman Striving to Weigh 1,000 Pounds

Fairness is in Our Genes, Best Time for Calorie Consumption, and How to Reduce Behavioral Problems