Category: Interesting Links

NHS to Help Pregnant Women Kick the Smoking Habit, “Defensive Medicine,” and Money Really Can Buy Happiness

Social Security Cash Flow Now Negative, Glenn Beck on Regulatory Agencies, and Stark on Border Security

Business’s Buyer’s Remorse, Health Insurer Oligopoly, and More Expensive Placebos Offer More Pain Relief

Business Roundtable is having buyer’s remorse on ObamaCare. But will we, like The Wall Street Journal, say “I told you so?”…No we won’t…No…No…Oh, of course we will.

Nearly one in five American women beyond childbearing years never gave birth. Among women with a master’s, doctorate or professional degree, it’s one in four, down from almost one in three.

Study: The more expensive the placebo, the more pain relief it offers. In particular, a $2.50 placebo works better than one that costs 10 cents. Hat tip to Jason Shafrin.

Hospitals Try to Control Cost of Patient Care, Medical Gag Orders, and the First “Bionic Cat”

California mandated minimum levels of patients per nurse in the hospital setting: There was no evidence of an impact on patient safety.

Would you sign a contract at a supermarket checkout forbidding you to complain to friends and neighbors about its prices, services or products? That is what some physicians are demanding their patients do.

Bionic cat gets prosthetic feet: He lost his two hind feet to a combine harvester.


Photo credit: Huffington Post

Hospital Delirium, Pills and Foods Don’t Mix, and “Paro” the Robo-Seal

“Hospital delirium”: It affects about one-third of patients over 70, and a greater percentage of intensive-care or post-surgical patients. “It’s…more dangerous than a fall.”

Don’t eat chocolate if you are taking anti-depressants, stimulants, or sleeping pills. All sorts of foods pair badly with pills.

Scientists read your mind better than you can: MRI scan predictions of behavior 75% accurate; people’s predictions of their own behavior only 50% accurate.

A robot baby seal aims to comfort the elderly: It’s approved as a Class 2 medical device and it costs $6,000.


Photo credit: AIST, Japan

Heiress Demands H.I.V. Test, “Female Viagra,” and Americans are Overdosed with Radiation

Medical Information Online, Social Wellbeing, and Can the Web Decrease Waiting Times?

Modesty Doesn’t Pay, Money May Inhibit Enjoyment of Life, and Does Coffee Really Make You More Alert?

AMA Wants Accuracy from Insurers, Another Hospital Revenue Stream, and State Insurance Officials Urge Slow Reform

AMA: One in five medical claims is processed inaccurately by commercial health insurers. Not addressed: are the mistakes random, or do they tend to favor the insurer?

British hospital makes nearly £2 million by “clamping” illegally parked cars. Others issue tickets and charge fees.

Unintended consequences: Insurance commissioners fear “a mass exit of insurers from the individual market.” The 80% loss ratio regulation is the chief culprit.

Fat that Is Good for Your Heart, Food-Borne Illnesses Thrive in Salads, and Being Healthy Requires More Prep Time