Heiress Demands H.I.V. Test, “Female Viagra,” and Americans are Overdosed with Radiation

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  1. Devon Herrick says:

    I was not aware that it is illegal for an individual, hiring for a domestic position, to request proof an applicant is not a health risk. “Typhoid Mary” Mallon was a domestic cook in the New York area, who refused stop seeking employment as a cook despite the fact she was sickening her employers’ families. In all, her cooking infected 53 people – 3 of which died after eating her food.

  2. artk says:

    Devon, the only a domestic worker’s hiv status could present a health risk is if her job included having sex with you or your friends. It’s a pretty clear violation of the law in NY and most other civilized states. Lucky break for the worker, instead of being mistreated for 150/day, she’ll probably get a big settlement

  3. John Goodman says:

    Actually, artk, it’s not against the law in New York. But it soon may be. Domestic servants are not covered by most labor laws in New York and in most other states.

  4. Tom H. says:

    Why aren’t the women’s groups outraged over this? Whose body is it afterall?

  5. artk says:

    Actually, John, the suit isn’t an employment suit, it’s under the NYC Human Rights Law.

  6. Bruce says:

    This discussion has given me an idea. Make sure all your sex partners get tested in advance. In fact dating services could probably use that as a screening device.