Category: Interesting Links

Gallop’s Latest Unemployment Numbers, Virginia Ironside Advocates Pillow Smothering for Disabled Children, and Bloomberg Says No More Welfare Sodas

72,000 Stimulus Checks Went to Dead People, Economy Has Been Sinking Since April of 2006, and Greenspan on Fear Produced by Bad Government Policies

Arnold Kling: labor capacity utilization is at its lowest level since the recession began. [This implies] the economy has been sinking since April of 2006 and continues to sink, with the decline only interrupted by temporary Census Bureau hiring earlier this year.

Greenspan: fear, produced by bad government policies is undermining the recovery. Same point made by yours truly here.

Doctors: Smartphones with medical apps are not enough; you also need us.  “There’s never a time where I would base a clinical decision on solely what I find on one of these apps.”

One in Four Democrats Favors ObamaCare Repeal, ObamaCare’s Mandated Health Insurance Refunds Bad for the Sick, and Inside Econ Jokes

Teens Drink More in College when Allowed to Drink at Home, the “Cinderella Procedure,” and Cheaters are Borderline Psychopaths

Allowing teens to drink at home does not reduce their tendency to binge drink in college. They actually drink more.

Cosmetic foot surgery can make your feet look better in high heels and open-toed shoes. It’s called the “Cinderella Procedure.”

Why are hearing aids so expensive and reading glasses so cheap? Regulations and third-party payment.

Academic cheaters tend to be borderline psychopaths…“a personality disorder defined by erratic lifestyle, manipulation, callousness and antisocial tendencies.”

Sharks Do Get Cancer Afterall, 2,500-Year-Old Antiobiotics, and Brain Cells Determine Obesity

Sharks do get cancer. Besides, digesting shark cartilage would not impart the shark’s cancer immunity if they had any.

Nubians were over-using antibiotics 2,500 years ago. They were regularly consuming tetracycline, for example, most likely in their beer.

Brain cells — not lack of willpower — determine obesity. “…a high-fat diet caused brain cells to become insulated from the body, rendering the cells unable to detect signals of fullness to stop eating.”

Insect Eaters Unite, Your Friends Affect Your Weight, and New Applications for the “Love Hormone”

Insect eaters are uniting: “Now it’s time for bugs.”

Friends affect your weight — so do friends of your friends.

Study: family and friends do a better job at picking up Alzheimer’s signs than any screening test.

Movie review: Did the Christians burn the Library of Alexandria? Or was it the Muslims? Or even Caesar? (HT to David Friedman)

Oxytocin is called the “love hormone.”  New study: it could cure shyness.

Sebelius and “Thuggery,” Harvard Pilgrim to Drop Medicare Advantage Program, and Do Medicaid Managed Care Organizations Save Money?

Sebelius: “I’m not a thug.”

Wall Street Journal: She has her facts wrong.

New York hospital accidentally posts info on 6,800 patients. “Mistakes were made.”

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care will drop its Medicare Advantage program, citing the health reform law as the reason. 22,000 senior citizens in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine will lose coverage.

Do Medicaid Managed Care Organizations save money? The evidence is mixed (review by Jason Shafin)

Health Reform is a Faith-Based Initiative, the Dying Art of the Physical Exam, and “Take Back Day” to Collect Old Drugs

Obama: Health reform is a faith-based initiative.

New York City man received a 25 percent rate increase on the first day of ObamaCare’s mandates.  Gov. Paterson accuses insurances companies of unfairly blaming the president’s health plan.

The physical exam is dying a slow death. But Stanford Medical School has 25 bedside tests that it considers essential to good doctoring.

Myth: all the “real” research on pharmaceuticals is done in universities, and drug companies just steal the ideas. Good rebuttal at Megan McArdle’s blog.

“Take Back Day”: You can turn in pills, powders and other solid medicines anonymously and without fear of prosecution. On the other hand, you could try to sell them.

Colbert Offers Comedic Testimony to Congress, Cokie Roberts and Kaiser Foundation Apology, and Will the PPACA Change Medical Malpractice?

Stephen Colbert’s Congressional testimony is hilarious (video). Members of Congress and staff have no sense of humor, however.

Cokie Roberts does the voice over for a Kaiser Foundation apology for ObamaCare (cartoon video). She obviously is a stranger to this blog.

Will the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (AKA Obama Care) change the malpractice system? No.  HT to Jason Shafrin.

Friedman Blames George Bush for Tea Party Movement, Patients Still Expect to See Physician Despite Cost, and Betting on Weight Loss Not Successful

David Friedman: George Bush is responsible for the Republican insurrection and the Tea Party Movement twice over.

Study: 79.5% of patients fully expect to see a physician rather than another provider, regardless of their condition and regardless of the additional cost.

People who wager on their ability to lose weight lose the bet 80% of the time.