Category: Interesting Links

17 States Demand ObamaCare Waivers and More

I’ll Believe This When I See It, and Other News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

People without Cars Less Likely to Marry, and Other News

World’s Most Expensive Telescope Takes First Picture of Deep Space, and Other News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Dead Federal Retirees Paid $120 Million, and Other News

Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

Disney’s Patient Care, Slavery Footprints, Bedside Manners, Smokers, and Medicaid

Quote of the Day

Fantasy baseball managers have far more data to evaluate players for their teams than patients and referring doctors have in matter affecting life, death and disability.

George Shultz, Arnold Milstein, and Robert Krughoff, Wall Street Journal.