Almost Half of Americans Incorrectly Believe ObamaCare Repealed, and Other Links
Five U.S. District Court judges agree: The penalty for people who don’t get health insurance starting in 2014 is not a tax.
International trend: average gross medical spending rose 10.2% in 2009 at two to three times the rate of general inflation.
Also in the third item, the US is having lower medical cost inflation than other contries.
“Almost half of U.S. residents incorrectly believe that the federal health reform law has been repealed or are unsure of its fate in Congress.”
Ah, the Information Age and the Age of Government via public opinion poll- on a logarithmic scale:
Most public opinion lives near the left end of this scale.
Even the Department of Justice isn’t sure whehter Obamacare is repealed, hence their letter to Judge Vinson asking for clarification.
I’m afraid the Administration is using waivers as a relief valve until they shore up more support or Americans get tired and stop paying attention. Nearly half of Americans think the ACA was repealed, which of course it wasn’t. The ACA has little in the way of cost containment and the mandated “essential” benefit package will drive costs up even higher. The problem of how to reform U.S. health care still exists.
The reason half of Americans believe the health care act was repealed is the same that more than half of republicans believe that the president is a foreign born Muslim and that far less than half accept the theory of evolution, you’ll never go broke overestimating the ignorance of the American public.