Acupuncture Explained
Neuroimaging studies show that it seems to calm areas of the brain that register pain and activate those involved in rest and recuperation. Doppler ultrasound shows that acupuncture increases blood flow in treated areas. Thermal imaging shows that it can make inflammation subside.
Of course, a placebo might have done as well.
Isn’t a glass of wine cheaper? And better for the heart?
I don’t believe a placebo would have had such an effect. As a physical therapist I know the musculoskeletal system and Accupuncture/accupressure works. Our bodies are created to be in a state of health so even if the effect is just because the person thinks it works – that is a big enough effect to take advantage of and use for the persons healing. If you change blood flow you allow the healing effects of the body to work. It’s all about circulation.
Yes, but why isn’t there hard evidence that it is better than a placebo?
Given the number of people who swear by it, I’d have to say that it must work.
A glass of wine would certainly be more enjoyable that getting poked dozens of times with sharp needles!
This “placebo” statement shows where Western medicine lacks… It is not the placebo that causes the effect, but the human mind. The human mind believes they are getting an effective treatment, and therefore the mind, body and spirit agree to be healed.
It tends to be similar with all things. When a doctor tells a patient that they have 3 months to live, many people (folks who do not have a strong rebel spirit, as myself)will agree in mind, and spirit and body and WILL SUCCUMB, very often around the three month mark!!
Acupuncture does have somewhat more influence than the power of suggestion, however. Even skeptical folks have been won over to see the benefit of acupuncture.
Mr Herrick… Acupuncture needles are NOT SHARP. Acupuncture needles have rounded ends. They are tiny solid needles, not hollow like a hypodermic-type needles. When acupuncture is done properly, the needles do NOT break the skin!!
A lot of the needles you don’t even feel. Some points, however, when there is too much energy there, for instance, can be quite painful while the excess energy is drained out.
One time I had acupuncture done, there was one point on the top of my head that felt like the needle was spiraling and one on my left (radial) wrist was very painful, even after removing the needle. All that said, I felt great afterward, and believe that I gained a terrific benefit from the treatment.