Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. Ignacio says:

    “We conclude that the current evidence does not allow us to make definitive statements about whether, when, and why patient decision support interventions could lead to savings.”

    How straightforward.

  2. Perry says:

    “Obama promises illegals: ObamaCare sign up info won’t be used for deportation”

    Is this like “If you like your health insurance, you can keep it?”

  3. Lucas says:

    “Absolutely,” Obama said, putting his hand down for emphasis.

    Don’t do it!! He’s lying!!

  4. Connor says:

    “We should try to ensure that everyone has a fair opportunity to find a great life. It’s a quest that will require political will and ingenious policies. President Obama’s proposed expansion of the earned-income tax credit goes in this direction, but we need more.”
