Headlines I Wish I Hadn’t Seen

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  1. August says:

    “For the first time, the agency recommended that manufacturers submit security plans to ward off cyberattacks when seeking FDA approval for their products”

    Looks like the solution is more regulation

  2. Studebaker says:

    You know those scammers that infect our computer with malware and then try to sell you the scanner to remove it? I sure hope those guys don’t infect my pacemaker with malware. The cost might be far more than the $39.95 for the spammer’s worthless software.

    • Jeff says:

      On a serious note though, will they be reforming the way pacemakers are made or add hardware to prevent viruses?

  3. Baker says:

    “Private equity funds rapid growth of walk-in clinics”

    A good time to invest in any that are public right now.

  4. Cabaret says:

    The healthcare language of “infect” and “virus” works well the programs are targeting medical devices.

    Welcome to the future.

  5. Howard says:

    The computer virus is obamacare and it will affect physicians and patents all over the nation incorrectly.

    • August says:

      A. The ACA is not a computer virus
      B. How does one “affect … incorrectly”?
      C. Your comment makes no sense.

      • Nigel says:

        He is using the pacemaker virus article as a symbolic metaphor for the ACA’s effect on the nations health.

  6. Craig says:

    Washing your hands is a necessary activity for personal hygiene. It is remarkable how many people “fail” at washing their hands. Water does not kill germs, I thought that this was a commonly known fact.