19 Pills per Day, Prescriptions Not Taken Properly, and NYC’s Guide on How to Shoot Heroin Safely

One in four seniors surveyed take between 10 and 19 pills daily; more than half take at least five different prescription drugs regularly. Hat tip to MCOL Daily Factoid.

40% of the 3 billion annual prescriptions issued in the U.S. are not taken properly; patients do not even pick up 12% of them. Hat tip to HealthExecMobile.

How do you shoot heroin safely? New York City-funded guide has the answer.

Comments (5)

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  1. Joe S. says:

    Glad I am not a New York taxpayer.

  2. Nancy says:

    Unbelievable. New York City is going to tell the heroin addicts how to safely shoot up? Give me a break.

  3. Bruce says:

    Sounds like something is really wrong in the market for pills.

  4. Larry C. says:

    Yeah, Bruce. People are spending billions of dollars of other people’s money.

  5. artk says:

    Calm down about NY. The fact is that NY’s crime rate is the lowest of any major metropolitan area in the country. Why should it upset you that NY tries to keep its addicts alive and healthy so that over time they can get treatment and control their habit.