Why Bobby Jindal Opposes Medicaid Expansion
First, as a general principle, we should not move people from private insurance onto government-run programs. It seems a matter of common sense that we should want to encourage self-sufficiency and target taxpayer spending only for those most in need. But Medicaid expansion would have moved up to 171,000 Louisianians off private insurance and stopped another 77,000 people from obtaining private insurance. To cover 214,000 low-income uninsured people in Louisiana, ObamaCare would add more than twice that number ― more than 450,000 people ― to the Medicaid rolls. This makes no sense. (More in the New OrleansTimes-Picayune.)
He’s right, although he didn’t explain why that would be bad. A lot of people need that explanation.
It looks like he goes into more detail in the article.
True, although my point is still valid in a lot of ways. We need a foundational discussion of why these things are bad, not just qualitative judgment that they are.
That would probably be useful in resolving our differences.
Do you think the general population has the understanding and comprehension of economics to be able to identify with the explanation why that is bad?
The government is going to become a insanely huge bureaucratic structure. No, this is not me being hyperbolic, this will happen inevitably, because most states will follow Louisiana’s example.
Yeah, because this type of government intervention into the economy is going to cause major market distortions in the healthcare industry.
Yes! Exactly, it will disrupt the entire industry and increase unemployment.
Very assertive economic projections…
Jindal is slowly trying to increase his national exposure.
Right, but I don’t think he’s got a change at the EOP.
Why should they expand Medicaid? It’s not rational
I do not have time to do the research, but something seems fishy here.
Is Gov Jindal saying that 171,000 Medicaid-eligible people who make less than about $16,000 a year have health insurance today?
I sure do not think they have employer-paid insurance. I defy anyone to find restaurants and tiny auto repair businesses in Louisiana or anywhere else are paying for their employee’s insurance.
Maybe these persons pay for their own insurance. If so, what are their deductibles? What are their maximum benefits? Do they have mini-med or indemnity policies with severe limits?
Assume the above is true. Today a poor worker pays $200 a month and has a $2500 deductible from private insurance. Under Medicaid they would pay zero for insurance and have no deductible.
Big improvement in my book.
Jindal is not all wrong here. He says that Medicaid payments have grown rapidly, and yet Louisiana is one of the stingiest states for Medicaid eligibility.
The growth in his Medicaid spending may be coming from the disabled, and the elderly in nursing homes.
Incidentally $1.7 billion in 10 years is $170 billion a year. I also wonder what type of increase in the income tax on rich folks and oil companies could raise an additional $170 million a year. I suspect it would be fairly small increase in taxes.
Again my suspicions may be unfounded. If anyone wishes to correct me I do not mind.
Bob Hertz, The Health Care Crusade