Who Doesn’t Like ObamaCare?

Fifty-three percent of the uninsured disapprove of the law, the poll found, compared with 51 percent of those who have health coverage. A third of the uninsured say the law will help them personally, but about the same number think it will hurt them, with cost a leading concern. (NYT/CBS poll)

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  1. Helga says:

    How could anyone have approved of ObamaCare in the first place when .0001% of Americans actually knew what the law said?

  2. Dimitrief says:

    Interesting that a greater percentage of the uninsured than the insured disapprove of the law.

  3. Trent says:

    “Americans who lack medical coverage disapprove of President Obama’s health care law at roughly the same rate as the insured, even though most say they struggle to pay for basic care,”

    This is the average American voter ladies and gentleman.

  4. Wally says:

    “David Bishop, 46, a Republican from Groton, N.Y., said the mandate was “just taking away your constitutional freedom of choice.”

    A wise man.

  5. TD McBride says:

    73% of general public and 70% of uninsured disapprove of Republicans’ handling of health care ACA: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/12/19/us/19health-polling-numbers.html?ref=us