What Can a Restaurant Teach Us About Health Care?

This is Atul Gawande, writing about The Cheesecake Factory in The New Yorker:

You may know the chain: a hundred and sixty restaurants with a catalogue-like menu that, when I did a count, listed three hundred and eight dinner items (including the forty-nine on the “Skinnylicious” menu), plus a hundred and twenty-four choices of beverage.

How many different dinners — say with two food items and one beverage — can you draw from 308 food choices and 124 beverages? I used to know how to do this. It must be in the millions. So how do you make that work? Timing is everything:

Computer monitors positioned head-high every few feet flashed the orders for a given station. Luz showed me the touch-screen tabs for the recipe for each order and a photo showing the proper presentation. The recipe has the ingredients on the left part of the screen and the steps on the right. A timer counts down to a target time for completion. The background turns from green to yellow as the order nears the target time and to red when it has exceeded it.

The restaurant doesn’t just get plates on the table, however. It aims for perfection:

At every Cheesecake Factory restaurant, a kitchen manager is stationed at the counter where the food comes off the line, and he rates the food on a scale of one to ten. A nine is near-perfect. An eight requires one or two corrections before going out to a guest. A seven needs three. A six is unacceptable and has to be redone.

Gawande wants to know how we can make the health care system more like this restaurant. He envisions that this is the goal of health reform. I want to ask a more perverse, but perhaps more instructive question: What if we wanted to make the restaurant look like the health care system. What would we have to do?

Munching on Cheesecake

Like Gawande, I too have been fascinated by the efficiency with which restaurant chains function. I’ve also talked to managers and owners about how they do it. My conclusion: a modern hospital might indeed function like The Cheesecake Factory. That it doesn’t is not the fault of doctors wedded to tradition or unimaginative hospital managers. It’s the fault of public policy.

Let’s return to my question: What public policy changes would we need to enact to make The Cheesecake Factory resemble a typical hospital?

To begin with, we need to eliminate out-of-pocket payment for restaurant food. To get that done, we need laws that encourage, or perhaps even require, restaurant food insurance. There can be many such insurers and each negotiates prices with the restaurants.

Third-party insurance immediately changes the incentives of the restaurant in radical ways. To begin with, we can dispense with the intricate and costly systems that achieve near perfect timing and quality control. So what if the hot meal doesn’t arrive at the table when it’s hot. Or if the ice cream arrives after it’s melted. Or if the two side dishes don’t arrive at the same time as the entree. Customers may be unhappy. But remember, food is now free at the point of consumption. We have patrons lined up outside, waiting to get in. The quality of the dining experience can decline quite a lot and not hurt the restaurant’s bottom line one whit.

To make sure of that fact, we can pass certificate of need laws for restaurants, just to make sure new entrants can’t steal customers away. We can suspend antitrust laws and allow the restaurant to buy up its competitors, just to make sure they don’t expand the market by increasing their capacity.

The elaborate systems designed to ensure proper timing and quality control will be replaced by equally elaborate systems designed for a new purpose: maximizing against the third-party payment formulas. Does toast and butter served separately command a higher fee than buttered toast? Then make sure we’re always out of buttered toast. Does BlueCross overpay for chicken added to Caesar salad? Then always rave about Caesar with chicken when a BlueCross diner comes in the door. Does Aetna underpay for the additional chicken? Then make sure you discourage that choice when an Aetna customer arrives.

I believe that skillful maximizing against third-party payment formulas is every bit as complicated, time-consuming and expensive as meeting the needs of cash paying customers. In fact it’s more so, for the following reasons.

On the demand side, the biggest problem with third-party payment is “moral hazard.” When food is free, people will select the most expensive items on the menu. They will order food they don’t need. They will order food they don’t even eat — and leave it on the plate! To deal with this problem, the insurers will have to invoke all kinds of rules and restrictions on what can happen in a restaurant. For starters, the insurer will greatly restrict the number of items it will pay for. Out of millions of possible food orders, it will pay for only a small subset. Instead of 30 different kinds of pasta, say, it might pay for only three. Then among the items it will pay for, the insurer will limit what any one customer can have. For example, you might be allowed ice cream or pie, but not both. The two together constitute “unnecessary” consumption. To enforce this rule, it might require servers to get pre-approval before placing a customer’s order. Or, it might just refuse to pay any bill that has the words “pie a la mode” written on it.

Then, of course, we will need a law prohibiting the corporate practice of food preparation. Food should be left to chefs, not to profit-seeking MBAs. But won’t the chefs’ decisions be tainted by the profit-making side of the restaurant? No problem. We’ll just pass a Stark law making it illegal for them to share in the profits or losses.

To put this in perspective, consider the problem of how much of each type of food the restaurant should order to be ready to meet the customers’ wants. Here is how Gawande describes the problem of wasted food:

Although the company buys in bulk from regional suppliers, groceries are the biggest expense after labor, and the most unpredictable. Everything — the chicken, the beef, the lettuce, the eggs, and all the rest — has a shelf life. If a restaurant were to stock too much, it could end up throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of food. If a restaurant stocks too little, it will have to tell customers that their favorite dish is not available, and they may never come back.

Remarkably, here is how The Cheesecake Factory handles this problem:

The company’s target last year was at least 97.5 percent efficiency: the managers aimed at throwing away no more than 2.5 percent of the groceries they bought, without running out. This seemed to me an absurd target. Achieving it would require knowing in advance almost exactly how many customers would be coming in and what they were going to want, then insuring that the cooks didn’t spill or toss or waste anything. Yet this is precisely what the organization has learned to do. The chain-restaurant industry has produced a field of computer analytics known as “guest forecasting.”

So if we want to end all this efficient ordering and make the restaurant resemble a typical hospital, how do we do that? Make the ordering of food the sole prerogative of the chefs and insulate them from the economic consequences of their decisions in the manner described above.

One more thing to consider: how often do the providers find it necessary to change whatever it is that they are doing?

Every six months, The Cheesecake Factory puts out a new menu. This means that everyone who works in its restaurants expects to learn something new twice a year. The March 2012, Cheesecake Factory menu included thirteen new items. The teaching process is now finely honed: from start to finish, rollout takes just seven weeks.

Contrast this with the experience in medicine:

One study examined how long it took several major discoveries, such as the finding that the use of beta-blockers after a heart attack improves survival, to reach even half of Americans. The answer was, on average, more than fifteen years.

So how do we get rid of the restaurant’s nimble response to market demand? Again, let the chefs make the decisions about what to prepare and how to prepare it, but completely insulate them from the economic consequences of their decisions. Remember, under rationing by waiting a restaurant doesn’t have to worry very much about whether it is responding to changes in demand. If patrons pay a price of zero for their food, the food has to be worth only a little bit more than zero to be a good buy.

There, I have shown you how to make The Cheesecake Factory function like a typical hospital. Any takers?

Ah, but if you want to move in the other direction — making the hospital look like The Cheesecake Factory — then you have to start repealing laws, not passing new ones.

Comments (19)

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  1. Vicki says:

    John, this health alert is “priceless.”

  2. Devon Herrick says:

    I really enjoyed this article. What Gawande observed at The Cheesecake Factory was that relatively complex meals are mostly made from scratch on an assembly line (except cheesecake, which is made in a factory somewhere else). These complex meals are of higher quality and variety than a typical restaurant could make. The system in place helps kitchen staff (who may not have the skills to run their own kitchen) to work together as a team to create delicious meals on an assembly line that is fast and efficient. GAwande uses this as an example of what doctors and hospitals could do working together as a system. The reason health care providers typically don’t work together this way is that doctors and hospitals are not competing on price, quality or efficiency. Thus, there is no incentive to do so.

  3. Otis says:

    Very informative. I’m think a rating system would work well for hospitals and their services.

  4. Cindy says:

    What an excellent article!”If patrons pay a price of zero for their food, the food has to be worth only a little bit more than zero to be a good buy.” — Really put it in perspective for me.

  5. Nichole says:

    Like any commerical restaurant, “The Cheesecake Factory”, is set on a profit margin and must plan meals based on market value of goods. For example, this summer just about every chain restaurant used avocados in summer salads. Unless the govt. starts using geographic population trends to guess how many people are going to need a heart or give birth. Health care based on random guessing is not going to work. How can you turn medical services into a hospitality industry? Are you going to start hearing every doctor ask his patients if they want to “Super Size” for an extra fee.

  6. Buster says:

    Reverse engineering the article to describe how third-party payment would distort the incentives of The Cheesecake Factory is very informative. Doctors and hospital managers will likely disagree with the conclusion. After all, doctors do work as a team, while hospitals also have a system in place. But the prevailing system is disintegrated compared to an assembly line. Consider if Ford Motor Company functioned like a hospital. Could it run an assembly line on a precise schedule when its most highly skilled workers had an exclusive license to assemble cars and billed customers separately for their work? Could Ford dictate work schedules and expect the elite car doctors to stick to the schedule if the car doctors were hard to replace and the primary conduit to customers? What if after car doctors found car buyers, the doctors had to place the assembly order with Ford? What if select groups of car doctors with different specialization wanted to all work together but only on certain days? What if Ford when didn’t make the facilities available at the doctors’ convenience, another factory would?
    Of course I have nothing against doctors and hospitals. As John Goodman illustrates in the article, the problem is not with people. Rather, it’s with the incentives. Public policy has created perverse incentives that reward inefficiency. Doctors and hospital managers would probably argue that efficient medical practice has little in common with either food preparation or car building. But I suspect industrial engineers and industrial psychologists would disagree.

  7. Earl Grinols says:

    Kenneth Arrow’s work is helpful and instructive. But those who invoke him too readily (perhaps falling into the mindset of the academics and professors who invoked Aristotle too unquestioningly, thus persecuting Galileo) need to read this blog.

  8. Straussian says:

    You raise a good point, Nicole, but I think the underlying incentive forces would encourage hospitals to improve their services (make less mistakes, charge less for some things) if health care functioned more like a free market.

  9. Chuck says:

    Very good article! Interesting way to put it!

  10. Joann says:

    Of course you have some good points about the convoluted payment systems and reimbursement, but you’re stretching the metaphor too far. Your argument is flawed because it assumes all restaurants are the same, and patrons don’t care where they go as long as the food is free. Not true, obviously, and not true for hospitals either. Hospitals want patients to choose their facility and not the competition, and they do want to provide the best possible quality and service — not just for financial incentive, but because it’s the right thing to do. (yes, this is a real incentive for most people.) Gawande’s article discussed ways this quality and service might be improved, and offered some very interesting examples from Steward Health System. Hopefully those who read your blog will be motivated to read the article and understand the points Gawande is really making.

  11. James R Chaillet, Jr. MD says:

    I would add to your description of what it would take for the Cheesecake Factory to resemble health care: the restaurant would need to devote about 1/3 of the revenue to actually collecting the revenue. And be prepared to wait 1 to 2 months to collect some of it. And, if some of the revenue comes from the government, be prepared to face audits and fines because you may have overchared (or undercharged) for one of the items on the bill.

  12. Ken says:

    Excellent analysis.

  13. Dayana Osuna says:

    Very insightful analogy! Lets hope hospitals begin functioning like The Cheesecake Factory…and not the other way around.

  14. Lori Hendry says:

    I really enjoyed reading this article. Excellent piece,very insightful with great ananlogy. John Goodman for president!

  15. Robert says:

    Having previously managed a kitchen, I find this article to be a good analogy to a model of efficiency that our hospital system would be wise to emulate.

  16. Dr. Liberty says:

    You forgot to mention licensing laws that limit the supply of chefs! (Great article, though)

  17. Dr. Bob Kramer says:

    Gawande talks almost totally about the Cheesecake Factory and not about health care. And I honestly don’t think that health care can be compared to food service.

    Dr. Bob Kramer

  18. Dr. Bob Kramer says:

    To your last query, to make the food service business look like the healthcare business (used to be called profession) you would have to inject several more layers in order to come out with a perfect (9 or 10), since in that scenario every cook, every wait person, every shrimp or burger would have to be EXACTLY the same

    Dr Bob Kramer

  19. Mary Kohler says:

    That’s all well and good, but I don’t want to eat at Cheescake Restaurant.