VA Health: Better on Inputs, No Different on Outcomes

The VA…has transformed from a hospital-based system to an integrated network of hospitals and clinics that is commended for its emphasis on preventive care… But the best care anywhere?

What the latest study shows is the VA performs well on what are known as “process” measures, whether a certain test was ordered, for example. But studies that compare health outcomes — do patients in the VA system better or live longer? — are equivocal.

Of 12 studies that compared mortality, for example, three showed a better outcome for VA patients, two showed a better outcome for non-VA patients and seven showed no difference.

Full article on a new study that raises questions about the superiority of VA care. Study available here [gated, but with abstract].

Comments (5)

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  1. Larry C. says:

    Interesting. Especially since the left has been singing the praises of the VA system for quite some time.

  2. Bruce says:

    Now they tell us.

  3. Devon Herrick says:

    Process measures are not particularly good proxies for quality — as evidenced by no difference in outcomes.

  4. Erik says:

    Another flawed study used for political reasons.

  5. Stephen C. says:

    I hope we won’t have to hear any more about how good the VA is.