The Time Price of Care

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  1. Matthew says:

    If only we all could charge for the time we are waiting past the appointment scheduled.

  2. Thomas says:

    “Two wasted hours”

    That will be on a good day after ObamaCare.

  3. Abe says:

    Quite ironical, isn’t it.

  4. Juan M says:

    There was a post not so long ago that talked about why it is called a waiting room, instead of lobby or something of the sort. I believe that doctors make patients wait on purpose.

    • Buddy says:

      Well when they have paperwork the size of Atlas Shrugged, patients are going to have to wait.

  5. Lucas E says:

    The problem has been and will be that we depend on the doctor, while they don’t depend on us. If you are tired of waiting, arrive late or miss an appointment, the only one that is going to suffer is yourself (aka the patient). If you took the time to set an appointment it normally means that you have some sense of urgency and need to be examined by the physician. If the doctor never examines you, you will not know what’s wrong with you. On the other hand if the patient doesn’t show up or leaves before the doctor can see them, there is a very high chance that someone else will take that time slot. Doctors have the upper hand, as patients we depend on them and for that reason they believe their time is worth more than ours.

  6. Martin A says:

    If you are capable of making $8,000 an hour by flipping companies, most probably you have an entire staff that can do it without you there. It is the patients fault for not coming prepared to wait. If he had been prepared, he could have flipped both companies while he waited.

  7. Devon Herrick says:

    Several weeks ago I went to see a dermatologist. He apologized twice for making me wait (once at the beginning and again at the end of the appointment). In reality, I only had to wait about 15 minutes from when I walked in the door until I was able to see him. I thought that was very reasonable. I imagine the reason my wait was short had something to do with how concerned he was that I not have to wait unnecessarily.

    I’ve noticed that the health care providers whose practice relies on cash-payments all tend to have short waiting times. My dentist and my chiropractor are all good about not over-scheduling. My primary care doctor seems to be good as well.

  8. Anne says:

    I have a friend who is a very well-paid corporate accountant who actually did bill her doctor for her hourly rate after she was made to wait for several hours, several visits in a row.

    The doctor’s office did not ever actually pay the bill, of course. But, point made. They got her in quicker the next time.