The Cost of RomneyCare

Health care was 23% of the state fisc in 2000, and 25% in 2006, but it has climbed to 41% for 2013. On current trend it will roll past 50% around 2020 — and that best case scenario assumes Mr. Patrick’s price controls work as planned. (They won’t.) In real terms the state’s annual health-care budget is 15% larger than it was in 2007, while transportation has plunged by 22%, public safety by 17% and education by 7%. Today Massachusetts spends less on roads, police and schools after adjusting for inflation than it did in 2007.

More on the exploding cost of RomneyCare in the WSJ.

Comments (9)

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  1. Sandeep Kumar says:

    “Today Massachusetts spends less on roads, police and schools after adjusting for inflation than it did in 2007.” If this trend continues for the nation, then our government will be doing the same, prioritizing health care over education and infrastructures.

  2. OJ says:

    Massachusetts needs to learn how to budget a little better.

  3. Evan Carr says:

    Education should always be a budget priority over health care considering the evidence suggests that higher educational attainment is related to improved health. Also, a more robust economy catalyzed by a more educated workforce would lessen the impact of these enormous health care expenditures.

  4. Otter J Smith says:

    Extreme couponing?? For governmental and state budgets.. This could be the next big TV series!!

  5. Devon Herrick says:

    The hospital industry in Massachusetts has consolidated such that prices are very high. Mandating comprehensive insurance exacerbated this situation.

  6. Charlie says:

    Romneycare is the main flaw in Gov Romney’s Presidential bid. Many people thought it was his “image” but I’m a firm believer that Romneycare was the did him in.

  7. Dennis Byron says:

    The above is only a little bit of the story when comparing RomneyCare with Obamacare:
    — Premiums are up almost double under RomneyCare (Obama said his plan would cut premiums $2500 per family).
    — The number of people getting employer sponsored insurance is down 35% under RomneyCare (Obama said if you like your insurance you can keep it).
    — ER visits are up.
    — Doctors are more leery of accepting RomneyCare than they are of accepting Medicaid
    — Etc., etc.

    And best of all, and you can’t find this anywhere in the Massachusetts or national press, the number of uninsured in Massachusetts increased 50% in 2011 (2011 is the most recent year for which data is available to the vote and that 2011 data was hidden by Deval Patrick for 9 months longer than it usually is hidden lest it affect the 2012 presidential election by someone comparing RomneyCare with Obmacare).

    That’s right: The whole point of both RomneyCare and Obamacare was to insure the uninsured at all costs but the number of uninsured INCREASED 50%.

  8. H. James Prince says:

    Sometimes I amaze even myself – all this bad news hasn’t yet led me to debilitating alcoholism.

    All jesting aside, sometimes it is superfluously depressing knowing what’s coming in this nation, and not being able to do a thing about it. I feel like Cassandra lamenting the fall of Troy – before it even happened.

  9. Angel says:

    Scary numbers and to think this could potentially be true on a federal level is even scarier.