Taxing the Sick

The long arm of the Baucus device tax will reach the following:taxing-the-sick  And close to 3,000 other items!


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  1. Bruce says:

    This is a wonderful post. The results of the tax will not be wonderful. But your pointing this out is very helpful.

  2. Nancy says:

    Dental floss? Bandages? Birth control? I can’t believe this.

  3. Michael says:

    How did health insurance become a national tax issue. Most people receive their health care within their state’s limits. All other insurances are regulated by state law (i.e. auto, homeowners, workman’s comp). It is apparent there is a great deal of money to be extorted by the Feds. Tort reform would best be handled by each state. Maybe since some of the electorate has come out of their coma, they will begin to pressure their own state reps for reform in health care within their own state. Someone get the Feds out of this position!!!

  4. Vicki says:

    I agree with Nancy. A tax on mammograms? I don’t remember hearing that when Obama was a candidate asking for our votes.

  5. Stephen C. says:

    Really amazing post. This needs wide circulation.

  6. Bret says:


  7. Devon Herrick says:

    I don’t quite follow Baucus’ logic. Let me see if I can get a handle on this: A) We need to reform our health care system before it bankrupts the country; B) Health reform is costly; C) A way to partially fund health reform is an excise tax on medical supplies.
    This leaves me with two questions: 1) If health reform is supposed to save money, then why is it so costly? 2) How does taxing health care supplies make health care more affordable?

  8. Buffy says:

    I am probably not the first to say this — but Re: the taxing of dental floss — it just says to me that our leaders want us to be completely miserable Americans — shelling out more $$$$ for such a simple, easily accessible item available at any corner store today. This just has to be to “bring us down to size” as we contemplate the high cost of getting the stuff out of our teeth…

    We will have to pay more and it will be worth the cost since probably dental care will be rationed, too.

    But — Re: the taxing of feeding tubes — well — who really wants to need a feeding tube? It is only out of dire necessity that anyone would purchase such an item. Such people would have to be really sick. Nothing like stomping on a sick person in need of a feeding tube. Probably catheters, too — I didn’t check the long list, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

    This is as almost as chilling as the “Case for Killing Granny” article which I am told ran in Newsweek.

    B & T

  9. Jenda says:

    Wow. Actually encouraging Americans not to treat their diabetes or floss (which will actually raise heart attacks). Brilliant. And all in the name of public health.

  10. charles dunham says:

    Someone needs to stop this insanity!!! If no one steps forward then we need to cut off all taxes to the government. No more income tax payments. We must refuse to be enslaved!

  11. Joe says:

    To B & T,
    No one personally “purchases a feeding tube” anymore than you’d buy a mammographry machine. You pay (buy) for items like these when used in a hospital or other care facility. The tube is replaced after each and every feeding giving Baucus more reason to pile up the taxes. One thing about it, you wouldn’t need to buy dental floss this way but it’s early yet Bauscus may still try to sneak in toothbrushs! This is beyond ridiculous!!

  12. Ronnie says:

    I do not fear the government, but their reasoning lets each of us understand just how out of touch they really are. Being a patient with early Parkinson’s, I only hope that one of them does not contract this illness and have to suffer the consequences.

  13. Alan says:

    To Ronnie,

    Unfortunately any sort of illness the Congressional members experience won’t bring them to their senses because they don’t have coverage on this mandatory plan. They have their own, well-preserved, high-coverage plan that will keep them fine–thank themselves very much!!

  14. Shirley Lupton says:

    What are they thinking??? So they are now saying they won’t kill the seniors but they are going to make life so hard on seniors and the ill that they still can find a way to do away with them. People are having to make a choice to buy medicine or eat now, is it fair to tax them on needed care? I don’t think so!!!!

  15. susan smith says:

    This should be Killed before it kills us……this should be a STATE ISSUE- I AGREE- Then if someone doesn’t like- whatever- they can move- If they just took care of the Actual problem- THOSE THAT ARE UNINSURED- By Expanding Medicaid State by State – and quit with the Reckless “reform” that isn’t reform MANDATES>AND THE ATTACK ON THE INSURANCE CO’S > i don’t see them having a problem with TRIAL LAWYERS MAKING PROFIT !!!!!!! The liberals are making my hair stand up on end ! Why not just force the “Wanna- be states” (Nanny states like California )& any other Socialist States to try the “model” – Not for me -! thank goodness we have a Ballot Coming on 2010 to Protect our rights-

  16. susan smith says:

    (in AZ)

  17. Elaine says:

    What is good for the goose is good for the gander! If we are going to be mandated with Obama care then all of the politicians, lobbyists, . etc. should have to have the same policies, taxes that those who voted them in to office are going to end up with, since we pay for their coverage too! Obamacare makes me sick!

  18. Earl W. says:

    I have sent email to my senator and one thing I have learned is : He doesa not listen to anyone with views different from his. Ohio’s D does not care that this bill will do nothing but drive up prices for all of us. Seniors, Take the pill that Jack K. uses for assisted S. If they tax tooth brushes I will have my last tooth pulled and I won’t get taxed on that. I have no use for any democrat who votes against his states desires. It’s time to get off this bus to socialism. Thanks sher Brow from Ohio.

  19. Earl W. says:


  20. Earl W. says:

    Sorry I meant House members bye bye 2010.

  21. RichardJ says:

    Will we still have the right to vote in 2010? If we do and we don’t vote these socialist, Marxist out of office then I’m afraid we won’t be able to vote in 2012, we’ll have a dictator by then. Or, if we can still vote it will only be for one candidate…

    I’m afraid of the Socialist Democrats, I’m afraid of Obama and his Communist Czars, I’m afraid of our government, I’m afraid this health care is just the first step to loosing our country.

    It makes me sick to see how most newpapers and TV are so in love with Obama, never question anything he says or does… Don’t they realize they’ll be screwed too if this Marxist gets his way?

  22. Karol says:

    Who died and appointed him OBAMA- GOD! Oh wait that woud be Jesus who died. We just had several million Americans(if you can call them that)who drank the OBAMA Koolaid last November. Thanks to pubic forums like this more people are being educated, Unfortunately, its too late and we are stuck with somebody’s puppet in WH for 3 more years. Like never before we need the True God fearing conservative voting public to rise up and elect Governors, congress and senators with better ideals than what is currently in office to send a message loud and clear that WE will NOT be SILENCED in our beliefs!

  23. Deb says:

    Mammography ‘supplies’? What exactly is this? Is the bill specific? I am a mammographer and have no idea what they would tax regarding mammography ‘supplies’ except for the machine and the technologist! OMG. This is crazy. I want specifics!!

  24. Deb says:

    Another thought is this will put hospitals, clinics, breast centers, orthopedic clinics, etc, etc, etc out of business!! These things they want to tax are what make the health care industry go round and round. We can’t do without these things and they know it. How in the heck can this plan ‘save’ money??? The above facilities will no doubt have to raise their prices just to survive. But, the Odumbo administration probably won’t let them. So that only means one thing……hospitals and Dr’s offices will go out of business or be ‘bailed out’ by the government and everything, EVERYTHING will be rationed. This is their evil plan people. I will not, in good faith be able to work for a government owned hospital/Dr Office/clinic under these circumstances. It is not what I promise to my patients each and every year when I renew my registration as a Radiologic Technologist.

  25. Deb says:

    After looking at the items the Baucus device tax lists, they are taxing EVERYTHING right down to a tampon (unscented or deodorized). We are screwed big time.

  26. Joan says:

    These liberals will do anything to get their way. They are like a bunch of kids screaming to the top of their lungs to get what they want. They need to be stopped and given Pink Slips –come 2010 and 2012 – get to the voting booths folks and send a message that they are past history…They aren’t listening now but they will listen then…They are evil and out to make the greatest country in the world go down on our knees so they can be in control. Give um’ hell — as Harry used to say. They can go try to bankrupt some other country..but we want them OUT of ours…let’s make plans to do just that — send them packing…

  27. craig says:

    I’m sure I heard during the campaign that Obama said no new taxes on the people making under $200.000 ( read my lips). This will be a gigantic tax on the middle class. I hope the people who voted for this character like their change.

  28. Buff says:

    These out of touch crooked morons will never learn, and don’t give a damn about anything but power. They are so arrogant, that I think they believe nothing will get them out of the white house. They couldn’t be more wrong, as the more educated we become, the less chance they have of staying in power. Vote them all out in 2010!

  29. Bonne Bartlett says:

    We need to be sure and vote them out in 2010.

  30. Stan says:

    We have been warned that Obamacare isn’t about affordable health care. It’s about power and government take over of our lives. “Transparency”, isn’t that the word Obama used to describe his presidency? The only thing transparent is the true character of the Commander in Chief, the criminal cabinet, the puppet congress, and his Czars. His health care will not heal us, it will kill us; if not financially, then physically. We must stop the madness!

  31. Judy says:

    People don’t wait ’til 2010! Get up, get out, and shout NOW!
    Join a group of protesters (Tea Party and/or others) or start a group of protesters if none exist near you with your friends and neighbors.
    Begin looking for the fresh, new candidate you can support with your time/abilities/money. A lot of people are coming forward saying “Enough is enough”.
    We are no longer silent and tolerating until the next election – We are now the “Vocal Majority”. If you wait it will be too late!