Quote of the Day from the Urban Institute, and Other Links

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  1. Tomas says:

    Aug. 11 is the happiest day of the year.


    • Tomas says:

      Big claim coming from “google searches” data. Anyway, I guess these are mainly trivial articles and should be taken less seriously.

  2. Bolton says:

    Interesting facts:

    “A 1 percentage point increase in the unemployment rate was associated with a 2 percent increase in depression queries.”

    “Colder places have higher rates of depression, with the correlation concentrated in the colder months.”

  3. August says:

    “But the data imply that moving, for example, from the city with the 30th coldest climate in the United States (Chicago) to the city with the warmest (Honolulu) lowers the probability of September-to-April depression by some 40 percent.”

    I wish I had access to data like this.

  4. Tomas says:

    Dogs learning to use iPads. Cats too.

    Great. I’m glad the world has it’s priorities straight.

    • Tomas says:

      Dogs learning to use iPads. Cats too.

      Great. I’m glad the world has its priorities straight.

  5. Cabaret says:

    “Insurance firms can still pick and choose to some degree which specific therapies they’ll cover within some categories of benefit.”

    Just so we’re clear, companies have always done this.

    • Cory says:

      That doesn’t make it any less wrong

      • Studebaker says:

        Doesn’t just about every retailer have preferred customers and those it wishes would just go away?

        If I were to pull up to a Bentley dealership in my 10-year old banged up car wearing cut-off shorts and a raggedy T-shirt, I would probably have a hard time finding someone to help me. That’s because I would readily be identified as not one of their target customers. Yet insurers are forced to take people that insurers know will be money-losing and — the same time attract healthy customers who are being asked to overpay.

        I don’t consider it any more wrong for insurers to avoid the sick than it is for the sick to pile on the coverage before having expensive treatments. Both are indicative of a dysfunctional market.

  6. Buster says:

    Quote of the day: ”Some insurers may arrange their benefits in a way that discourages people with expensive chronic conditions from signing up with them.” Lisa Clemans-Cope with the Urban Institute.

    Yeah, they make sure their cardiac specialists, obesity specialists and any physicians treating arthritis is located on the 10th floor of an office building without an elevator.